Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Historical perspectives
  • Arabic language among the Mozarabs of Toledo during the 12th and 13th centuries / Ignacio Ferrando 45
  • Arabic as a tool for expressing Jewish and Romani ethnic identity. (a prolegomenon to a typology of Arabic in non-Arabic speaking communities) / Paul Wexler 65
  • Arabic linguistic and cultural tradition in Daghestan: an historical overview / Anna Zelkina 89
  • Arabic ethnic minorities
  • Modelling intrasentential codeswitching: a comparative study of Algerian/French in Algeria and Moroccan/Dutch in the Netherlands / Louis Boumans, Dominique Caubet 113
  • Arabic speech of Bactria (Afghanistan) / Charles Kieffer 181
  • Arabic as a minority language in Israel / Rafael Talmon 199
  • Making a fish of a friend. Waris: the secret language of Arab koranic school students in Borno / Jonathan Owens, Jidda Hassan 221
  • Loanwords in Nigerian Arabic: a quantitative approach / Jonathan Owens 259
  • Cross-ethnic and non-Arab perspectives
  • Arabic dialects in the Turkish province of Hatay and the Aramaic dialects in the Syrian mountains of Qalamun: two minority languages compared / Werner Arnold 347
  • Loanwords in Algerian Berber / Fadila Brahimi 371
  • Moroccan: a language in emergence / Utz Maas 383
  • Language legitimization: Arabic in multiethnic contexts / Fadila Brahimi, Jonathan Owens 405.