Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Illustrations
  • Preface To The Second Edition
  • Preface To The First Edition
  • Acknowledgments
  • Abbreviations: Serial And Journal Titles
  • Short Titles Of Works Often Cited
  • Introduction
  • Â 7 The Sources For The History Of Early Christianity
  • 1. Survey Of The Sources And Their Traditions
  • 2. The Text Of The New Testament
  • 3. Source Criticism
  • 4. Problems Of Form, Tradition, Narrative, And Rhetorical Criticism
  • Â 8 From John The Baptist To The Early Christian Church
  • 1. John The Baptist
  • 2. Jesus Of Nazareth
  • 3. The Earliest Christian Communities  9 Paul
  • 1. Life And Ministry To The Apostolic Council
  • 2. From Antioch To Ephesus
  • 3. Paulâ€?S Stay In Ephesus
  • 4. Corinthâ€?Jerusalemâ€?Rome
  • Â10. Palestine And Syria
  • 1. The Tradition Of The Message Of Jesus
  • 2. From The Kerygma Of The Resurrection To The Gospels Of The Church
  • 3. The Johannine Circle
  • 4. Jewish Christianity
  • 5. Syria, The Country Of Origin Of Christian Gnosticism
  • Â 11. Egypt
  • 1. The Beginnings Of Christianity In Egypt
  • 2. Egyptian Gnosticism
  • 3. The Beginnings Of Catholicism  12. Asia, Macedonia, Greece, And Rome
  • 1. The Renewal Of Apocalypticism
  • 2. The Transformation Of Pauline Theology Into Ecclesiastical Doctrine
  • 3. Christianity In Its Encounter With Its Social World
  • Glossary
  • General Index (Names, Places, Subjects)
  • Biblical, Jewish, And Early Christian Writings
  • Authors Discussed In The Text