Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Traumatic attachment as adaptation: The biopsychosocial impact / Joan Haliburn
  • Trauma bonding and interpersonal violence / Joan A. Reid, Rachael A. Haskell, Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, and Jennifer A. Thor
  • Counter-hegemonic bereavement, un-honored greif and reframing loss
  • a study in political psychology of bereavement, loss and trauma: The case of terror casualties' families' politics of belonging / Udi Lebel
  • Interventions to treat families who have experiences historical trauma / Shannon Dickson and Susan Wycoff
  • Prtracted biases in facial emotion perception and psycholgocial funcionting in self-reproted victims of earlu-life interpersonal trauma / Jacob M. Vigil, Shaun Brophy, Elyse Garrett and Sarette McMurry
  • Trauma, faith, and meaning-making / J. Irene Harris, Joseph Currier and Crystal Park
  • The predictors of new life adaptation for adolescents after typhoon Morakot / HuiChing Wu
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder following a spinal cord injury / Frederique Courtois, Catherine Otis and Kathleen Charvier
  • The interpersonal paradox of trauma / Kami L. Schwerdtfeger and Lauren M. Oseland
  • Psychology of trauma: Vulnerability and resilience / Elizabeth Wiese
  • Energy psychology in the treatment of PTSD: Psychobiology and clinical principles / Dawson Church and David Feinstein
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation in Postraumatic Stress Disorder / Meghan E. Pierce and Laurel M. Pritchard
  • The earthquake interference effect and traumatic episodic memory: evidence from two ERP studies / Ming Lei, Jiang Qiu and Qinglin Zhang
  • Agony to ecstasy: The postive after-effects of turmoil and trauma / Steve Taylor.