
Unity 4.x Game AI Programming.

Step-by-step practical tutorialAre you are a programmer with basic knowledge of Unity3D who would like to add AI features to your game? Are you looking for a reference on implementing AI in Unity3D with simple to follow instructions, and lots of sample code and projects? Then this book is for you. Y...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Kyaw, Aung Sithu
Otros Autores: Swe, Thet Naing
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2013.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewer;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction to AI; Artificial Intelligence (AI); AI in games; AI techniques; Finite State Machines (FSM); Random and probability in AI; The sensor system; Polling; The messaging system; Flocking, swarming, and herding; Path following and steering; A* pathfinding; A navigation mesh; The behavior trees; Locomotion; The Dijkstra's algorithm; Summary; Chapter 2: Finite State Machines; The player's tank; The PlayerTankController class; Initialization; Shooting bullet.
  • Controlling the tankThe bullet class; Setting up waypoints; The abstract FSM class; The enemy tank AI; The patrol state; The chase state; The attack state; The dead state; Taking damage; Using an FSM framework; The AdvanceFSM class; The FSMState class; The state classes; The PatrolState class; The NPCTankController class; Summary; Chapter 3: Random and Probability; Random; Random class; Simple random dice game; Definition of probability; Independent and related events; Conditional probability; A loaded dice; Character personalities; FSM with probability; Dynamic AI; Demo slot machine.
  • Random slot machineWeighted probability; Near miss; Summary; Chapter 4: Implementing Sensors; Basic sensory systems; Scene setup; Player tank and aspect; Player tank; Aspect; AI character; Sense; Perspective; Touch; Testing; Summary; Chapter 5: Flocking; Flocking from Unity's Island Demo; Individual Behavior; Controller; Alternative implementation; FlockController; Summary; Chapter 6: Path Following and Steering Behaviors; Following a path; Path script; Path follower; Avoiding obstacles; Adding a custom layer; Obstacle avoidance; Summary; Chapter 7: A* Pathfinding; A* algorithm revisit.
  • ImplementationNode; PriorityQueue; GridManager; AStar; TestCode class; Scene setup; Testing; Summary; Chapter 8: Navigation Mesh; Introduction; Setting up the map; Navigation Static; Baking the navigation mesh; Nav Mesh Agent; Updating agents' destinations; Scene with slope; NavMeshLayers; Off Mesh Links; Generated Off Mesh Links; Manual Off Mesh Links; Summary; Chapter 9: Behavior Trees; Behave plugin; Workflow; Action; Interfacing with the script; Decorator; Behave debugger; Sequence; Exploring Behave results; Selector; Priority selector; Parallel; Reference.
  • The Robots versus Aliens projectSummary; Chapter 10: Putting it All Together; Scene setup; Tags and layers; Vehicles; Player car controller; AI Car Controller; Finite State Machines (FSMs); Patrol state; Chase state; Attack state; Weapons; Gun; Bullet; Launcher; Missile; Summary; Index.