Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Freeing the imagination: Lamming's aesthetics of decolonisation / Ngũgĩ Thiong'o
  • The aesthetic quest for an insurgent Caribbean intellectual practice: George Lamming and Caribbean though / Anthony Bogues
  • Language, politics, and literature (1953-1990)
  • The Negro writer and his world
  • The education of feeling
  • In the castle of my skin: thirty years after
  • On West Indian writing
  • Politics and culture
  • Tribute to a tragic Jamaican
  • Builders of our Caribbean house
  • Portrait of a Prime Minister
  • On the murder of Rodney
  • The imperial encirclement
  • C.L.R. James, Evangelist
  • The Honourable Member
  • Nationalism and nation
  • Labour and the humanising of the landscape
  • Sovereignty, mobilisation, and popular consciousness
  • In defense of cultural sovereignty
  • Lamming in conversation
  • 'A future they must learn': an interview by George Kent
  • Martin Carter: a poet of the Americas: an interview with Stewart Brown
  • The aesthetics of decolonisation: Anthony Bogues and George Lamming in conversation
  • Reflective notes: the past and the present
  • After a decade
  • We mourn her to celebrate example!
  • The legacy of Eric Williams
  • Caribbean thought: history, pedagogy, and archive
  • Reflections on writing 'The pleasures of exile'
  • Critical reflections on the politics, art, and aesthetics of George Lamming
  • George Lamming and the epistemology of exile: ways of seeing, singularity, and colonialism / Clevis Headley
  • Lamming's critique of imperialist discourse / Glyne Griffith
  • The historic centrality of Mr Slime: Lamming's pursuit of class betrayal in novels and speeches / Andaiye
  • Postcolonial negations: George Lamming's open future / Supriya Nair
  • From intellectual workers for regional sovereignty to culture and sovereignty in the Caribbean and the sovereignty of the imagination: the shifting ground of a writer and public intellectual / Sandra Pouchet Paquet
  • Coming, coming home: must be read / Tim Hector
  • Extract of novel in progress
  • Columbus: a view from the other side
  • Biographies.