Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. Civilian targets of war ; Rape in the eyes of the law
  • Lessons from the past. Women as property, banner and booty ; Foundations for today : rape as a crime against honour ; World War I : rape as a tool of terror and propaganda ; World War II in Europe : establishing a master race ; World War II in Asia : widespread sexual atrocities
  • Violence on three continents. Haiti : no punishment, no progress ; Civilians fair game for military ; Bosnia : broadcasting atrocities ; "Ram" plan : assault the most vulnerable ; Brutality, humiliation, torture ; Rwanda : 100 days of atrocities ; As many killers as victims ; Alive but dying
  • Assaults in Asia. Afghanistan : resistance groups versus civilians ; Rape to intimidate, punish and reward ; Sex slaves and prostitutes ; Myanmar : repressive military regime ; Minorities as enemies ; Kashmir : claimed by two nations ; Brutality on all sides ; Rape to humiliate the community
  • Indonesia : a history of control and corruption. Aceh : fiercely independent ; East Timor : decades of military control ; Irian Jaya : often overlooked troublespot ; Jakarta : targeting ethnic Chinese
  • Where we are, what we can do. Why sexual assault? ; The horrible consequences of rape ; Violence begets action, finally ; Sometimes yes, sometimes no ; Where to go from here? ; 5 things that you can do now ; 5 things that your country should do ... and you should lobby for ; 5 things that the international community should do
  • Appendix
  • Epilogue : the AWARE Committee on Rape.