Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Chamula and Chichicastenango : a re-examination / Ruth Bunzel
  • Cross-cultural studies of drinking : integrated drinking and sex differences in the use of alcoholic beverages / Margaret K. Bacon
  • Anthropological perspectives on alcohol : an historical review / Dwight B. Heath
  • A review and appraisal of alcohol and kava studies in Oceania / Mac Marshall
  • European drinking habits : a review of research and some suggestions for conceptual integration of findings / Salme Ahlström-Laakso
  • Family behavior and alcoholism / Joan Ablon
  • Similarities and differences among a heavily arrested group of Navajo Indian drinkers in a southwestern American town / Frances N. Ferguson
  • Alcohol and culture : the historical evolution of drinking patterns among the Mapuche / Larissa Lomnitz
  • Alcohol usage in an African society / Ade M.U. Obayemi
  • Summary of an alcoholism study in the Apurímac-Ayacucho River Valley, Peru / Alfredo Velapatiño Ortega
  • Body, mind, and booze / William Madsen
  • Ethanol metabolism in various racial groups / D. Fenna [and others]
  • Ethnic groups, human variation, and alcohol use / Joel M. Hanna
  • Cross-cultural evidence that dependency conflict motivates drunkenness / Herbert Barry III
  • Drinking as a manifestation of power concerns / Richard E. Boyatzis
  • Drunkenness and culture stress : a holocultural test / James M. Schaefer
  • The epidemiology of alcoholism with specific reference to sociocultural factors / Jan de Lint
  • Theory in alcohol studies / Margaret Sargent
  • Cross-cultural studies of alcoholism in the clinical setting : review and evaluation / Joseph Westermeyer
  • The cultural approach, verbal plans, and alcohol research / Martin D. Topper
  • Observations on methodological considerations for cross-cultural alcohol studies / Don Cahalan
  • A documentation resource for cross-cultural studies on alcohol / Mark Keller.