Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: Boot camps revisited : issues, problems, prospects / Brent B. Benda
  • From optimistic policies to pessimistic outcomes : why won't boot camps either succeed pragmatically or succumb politically? / Jeanne B. Stinchcomb
  • The rise and fall of boot camps : a case study in common-sense corrections / Francis T. Cullen [and others]
  • A randomized evaluation of the Maryland Correctional Boot Camp For Adults : effects on offender antisocial attitudes and cognitions / Ojmarrh Mitchell, Doris L. MacKenzie, and Deanna M. Pérez
  • Survival analysis of recidivism of male and female boot camp graduates using life-course theory / Brent B. Benda, Nancy J. Harm, and Nancy J. Toombs
  • Self-control, gender, and age : a survival analysis of recidivism among boot camp graduates in a 5-year follow-up / Brent B. Benda, Nancy J. Toombs, and Robert Flynn Corwyn
  • Boot camp prisons as masculine organizations : rethinking recidivism and program design / Faith E. Lutze and Cortney A. Bell
  • Gender differences in the perceived severity of boot camp / Peter B. Wood, David C. May, and Harold G. Grasmick
  • Native American ethnicity and childhood maltreatment as variables in perceptions and adjustments to boot camp vs. "traditional" correctional settings / Angela R. Gover
  • Ruminating about boot camps : panaceas, paradoxes, and ideology / James O. Finckenauer.