
Globalization : partnerships, modernization and future perspectives /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Mancini, Joseph A.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : NOVA, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., [2012]
Colección:Global economic studies series.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity at the International Level: Current State and Future Perspectives
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Overview of Main Provisions of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity
  • The Convention's Textual Basis
  • Rights and Obligations of the Parties
  • Other Provisions
  • The UNESCO Convention: An Appraisal in Context
  • Plenty of Rights, No Obligations
  • Incompleteness of the UNESCO Convention
  • Disconnecting Trade and Culture:
  • The UNESCO Convention as Part of the Problem
  • Rather than the Solution
  • Concluding Remarks
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Globalization and the Evolving Nature Competition
  • The Underlying Forces Which Will Perpetuate the Globalization Trend
  • The Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management
  • References
  • Globalization, Modernization and Education in Iran: An Overview
  • Introduction
  • Context
  • Historical Review
  • The Goals And Values of Iranian Education
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • and their Impact on Education
  • Education for Refugee Children
  • Influence of International Organizations
  • on National Policies
  • Eradication of Gender Inequality
  • Female Education in Iran
  • Quality of Education
  • Impact of Global Changes on the Environment
  • Non-formal Education in Iran
  • Higher Education
  • References
  • Globalization, Modernization and Education in Muslim Countries: Some Basic Challenges
  • The Meaning of Globalization and Modernization
  • Modernization Refers to
  • Some Negative Outcomes of Globalization
  • Reasons for the Negative Outcomes of Globalization
  • in Muslim Societies
  • Grappling with Globalization
  • The Modernization of Muslim Societies.
  • 1. Lack of Democratic Institutions
  • 2. The Mass Media
  • 3. Reducing the Rate of Population Growth in Muslim Societies
  • 4. Education of Females in Muslim Societies
  • 5. The Protection of the Environment in Muslim Countries
  • 6. Education in Knowledge-Based Muslim Societies
  • Globalization and Education in Muslim Countries
  • Improving Quality of Education in Muslim Countries
  • Preparing Teachers for Muslim Countries
  • References
  • Globalisation and Partnerships: An Overview
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. An Overview of Part II: Globalisation and Partnerships: Towards a Global Network
  • 3. An Overview of Part III:
  • Business to Business Cooperation
  • 4. An Overview of Part IV: Relationship Marketing
  • 5. An Overview of Part V:
  • Regional and Cultural Studies of Interdependence
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Business Partnerships in a Globalising World: Economic Considerations
  • Abstract
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Institutional Structures
  • Firms, Hierarchies,
  • Markets and Interfirm Partnerships
  • 3. Why Does Interfirm Cooperation Occur?
  • What Are the Obstacles?
  • 4. Does Globalisation Stimulate the Formation of
  • Business Partnerships?
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Globalization: The End of Industrial Relations?
  • Abstract
  • I.
  • II.
  • III.
  • IV.
  • V.
  • References
  • The Effect of Globalisation on the Image of Partner Brands
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • 1. Impact of Partnership on Image of Partner Brands
  • 1.1. The Problem
  • 1.2. The Knowledge of Partnership Existence and its Consequences
  • on Brand Image
  • 1.3. Theoretical and Managerial Interest
  • 2. Empirical Study
  • 2.1. Experimental Framework
  • 2.2. The Results
  • Hypothesis 1
  • Hypothesis 2
  • 2.3. Discussion of Results
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 1
  • Appendix 2
  • References
  • Consumer Segmentation for Globalising Firms
  • Abstract.
  • Introduction
  • 1. Issues in Value Segmentation
  • 2. Instrumental Values
  • 3. Hypotheses
  • 4. Empirical Study
  • Hypothesis 1
  • Hypothesis 2
  • Hypotheses 3
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Economic Globalisation and Foreign Direct Investment in the South-West Indian Ocean: Are the Usual Determinants Still Relevant?
  • Abstract
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Globalisation in the South-West Indian Ocean
  • 2.1. General Point of View
  • 2.2. The Positions of IOC Countries
  • 2.3. Comparison with the COMESA and SADC
  • 3. The Economic Situation of South-West Indian Ocean Countries: An Explanation of Their Low Attractiveness?
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • Annex
  • References
  • Emerging Market under Globalization: The Reform and Development in China
  • Abstract
  • Preface
  • 1. Positioning of China: An Emerging Market
  • 1.1. The Role of the Emerging Markets in Global Economy
  • 1.2. China: An Influencer of the World Market
  • 1.3. China: A Developing Market Economy
  • 2. Expericence: Rising Out of the Planned Economy
  • 2.1. Five Phases of China's Reform
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
  • Phase Three
  • Phase Four
  • Phase Five
  • 2.2. Experiences of the Economic Reform and Development
  • 2.3. Challenges China Face for Further Economic and Social Development
  • Issues on Income Disparity
  • Issue of Modernization of Chinese Farmers
  • Reform on Government Administrative Systems
  • Issue on the Sustainability of Economic Growth
  • Coordination and INTERACTION between Domestic and Foreign Economy
  • 3. Performance: Handling the Global Financial Crisis
  • 3.1. Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on China
  • 3.2. Macroeconomic Policies and Measures to Prevent the Economy from Getting Worse
  • 3.3. Effects of China's Economic Stimulus Policies
  • 3.4. A Comprehensive Assessment on the Current Difficulties
  • 4. Trend: New Roles in International Economy.
  • 4.1. A New World-Class Market
  • 4.2. An Ideal Investment Destination
  • 4.3. A New Global Investor
  • 4.4. A Builder of New International Financial System
  • References
  • Conceptualizing Rural Communities in the face of Globalization: The African Perspective
  • Abstract
  • 1. Introduction: Overview of Globalization
  • 2. The Cost of Globalization to Rural People
  • 4. Conceptualizing Sustainable Rural Communities
  • 5. Sustainable Rural Communities in the Face of Globalization
  • 6. Conclusion
  • References
  • Globalization, Inequality and the Labour Market
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Employment and Wage Inequality in the Industrial Countries
  • 2.1. North-South Trade and Labour Markets
  • 2.1.1. Manufacturing Trade and Unemployment
  • 2.1.2. The Skill Content of Trade, Relative Wages and Employment
  • 2.2. Technology, Wages and Unemployment
  • 2.3. Investment and Employment
  • 3. Trade, Financial Flows and Labour Markets in Developing Countries
  • 3.1. Trade Liberalization and Labour Market Performance
  • 3.2. Financial Liberalization and Labour Market Performance
  • 4. Conclusion
  • References
  • Consumer Segmentation for Globalising Firms
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • 1. Issues in Value Segmentation
  • 2. Instrumental Values
  • 3. Hypotheses
  • 4. Empirical Study
  • Hypothesis 1
  • Hypothesis 2
  • Hypotheses 3
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Institutional Reforms and Governance Restructuring for Distribution of Gains under Globalization
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Institutions Reforms and Development
  • 3. Restructuring Governance
  • 3.1. Reducing Corruption and Rent-Seeking
  • 3.2. Increasing Transparency
  • 3.3. Legal Reforms
  • 4. Reforming Governance
  • 4.1. State Governance
  • 4.2. Corporate Governance
  • 5. Conclusion
  • References
  • Globalization as the Hegemonic Concept of Neoliberal Ideology
  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. The Two-Waves of Globalization of World Capitalism
  • 3. The Rise of Finance Capital
  • 4. Economic Development Defined Proper
  • 5. Conclusion
  • References
  • China-U.S. Trade Issues
  • Summary
  • U.S. Trade with China
  • Major U.S. Exports to China
  • Major U.S. Imports from China
  • Investment Ties
  • China's Holdings of U.S. Securities
  • U.S. Holdings of Chinese Securities
  • Bilateral FDI Flows
  • Major U.S.-China Trade Issues
  • Health and Safety Concerns over Certain Imports from China
  • China's Poor Regulatory System and Implications
  • China's Currency Policy
  • China and the World Trade Organization
  • Pending U.S. Cases against China
  • Resolved U.S. Cases against China
  • Chinese WTO Cases against the United States
  • Violations of U.S. Intellectual Property Rights
  • The U.S. WTO Cases against China on IPR
  • Applying U.S. Countervailing Laws to China
  • China Safeguard Provisions
  • Textile and Apparel Products
  • The U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
  • U.S.-China Trade Legislation in the 111th Congress
  • The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
  • Summary
  • Recent Developments
  • The Global Financial Crisis and U.S. Interests
  • Policy and Legislation
  • Senator Dodd's Draft Financial Regulation Bill
  • Four Phases of the Global Financial Crisis
  • Contain the Contagion and Strengthen Financial Sectors
  • Coping with Macroeconomic Effects
  • Regulatory and Financial Market Reform
  • Dealing with Political, Social, and Security Effects
  • Political Leadership and Regimes
  • Economic Philosophy, Protectionism, and State Capitalism
  • U.S. Leadership Position
  • International Financial Organizations
  • Effects on Poverty and Flows of Aid Resources
  • New Challenges and Policy in Managing Financial Risk
  • The Challenges
  • Origins, Contagion, and Risk
  • Risk
  • The Downward Slide.