Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Edmund Burke, The Select Works of Edmund Burke, Volume 3 ""; ""Front Matter ""; ""Works Title Page ""; ""Title Page ""; ""Copyright Details ""; ""Table of Contents ""; ""Editor's Foreword, p. viii ""; ""Editor's Note, p. xi ""; ""Introduction by E.J. Payne, p. 3 ""; ""Letters on a Regicide Peace ""; ""Letter No . 1. On the Overtures of Peace, p. 59 ""; ""Letter No. 2. Genius and Character of the French Revolution, p. 153 ""; ""Letter No. 3. Proposals for Peace, p. 191 ""; ""Letter No. 4. To the Earl Fitzwilliam, p. 307 ""; ""Notes, p. 395 ""