
Exploring Textual Action.

Exploring Textual Action questions how we analyse works of art after the performative turn and shows how the interplay of performativity (textual action), space and topography, and the converging of genres and art forms is essential in modern drama, theatre, prose fiction, poetry and film. The volum...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Sætre, Lars
Otros Autores: Strand, Anders Kristian, Thygesen, Mads
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Santa Barbara : Aarhus University Press, 2010.
Colección:Acta Jutlandica.
Acta Jutlandica. Humanities series ; 5.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Colophon; Contents; Exploring Textual Action; Preface; Elaborations; Explorations; Acknowledgements; Suggested Readings; Part 1: Elaborations; Performativity1/Performativity2; J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine; Daniel Deronda as fictional example; Gwendolen's performativity; Daniel's anomalous speech acts; Works Cited; "Speak again. Speak like rain"
  • The Mediality of Performance; Svend Erik Larsen, Aarhus University; The mediality of performance; Text as performance; The empire writes back; The boundaries of performance.
  • "Holding each other's hands for safety"Works Cited; Powering Textual Action: Duras' Space in Véra Baxter ou Les Plages de l'Atlantique; Lars Sætre, University of Bergen; I Preliminaries: theoretical elaborations; II Véra Baxter or The Atlantic Beaches; III First spatial segment; IV Second spatial segment; V Third spatial segment; VI Converging phenomena in Véra Baxter or The Atlantic Beaches; VII In conclusion; Works Cited; Culture as Performance
  • Developing a Concept of Performance; Erika Fischer-Lichte, Freie Universität Berlin.
  • First argument: Interaction or co-presence of actors and spectatorsSecond argument: Materiality and transitoriness; Third argument: The emergence of meanings; Fourth argument: The performance as event; Conclusions; Works Cited; Interaction and Framing in the Performance Insideout by Sasha Waltz; Mads Thygesen, Aarhus University; Insideout
  • discursive frames; The performance
  • mise en scène vs. autopoiesis; Performative actions; Conclusions and perspectives; Works Cited; Re-thinking the "Performative Turn": Fashioned Bodies, Sartorial Semioticsand the Performance of Culture, 1900-1930.
  • Randi Koppen, University of BergenThe performative turn; Appropriations and re-deployments; Quack, Quack; Works Cited; Bazin, Bresson and Scorsese: Performative Power and the Impure Art of Cinema; Patrizia Lombardo, University of Geneva; Bazin, Bresson and the impurity of cinema; Quiet performative: minimalist gestures and actions; The case of Scorsese; Performing history, the past and the present; Silent and spoken performative actions; Works Cited; Part 2: Explorations; Topography and Textual Action in the Urban Prose of Balzac and Breton; Atle Kittang, University of Bergen.
  • The labyrinths of Balzac's urban spacesBreton's trilogy: A presentation; Love, encounter, textual action; A surrealist love story; Textual action and the dynamics of desire; The feedback loop of texuality and life; A brief concluding remark; Works Cited; Producing " ... images we never saw before we remembered them". Memory as Textual Action in Walter Benjamin's Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert; Ragnhild Evang Reinton, University of Oslo; The aesthetic dimension; Memory; The language of things; The child; Works Cited; Virginia Woolf and the Ambiguities of Domestic Space.