
Dilemmas of Black Faculty at U.S. Predominantly White Institutions : Issues of the Post-Multicultural Era.

This book encompasses the physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, social, and legal issues confronting African American faculty who teach at white academic institutions.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Moore, Sharon E.
Otros Autores: Alexander, Rudolph Jr, Lemelle, Anthony J.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • DILEMMAS OF BLACK FACULTY AT PREDOMINANTLY WHITE INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES: Issues in the Post-Multicultural Era; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I. The Consequences of Marginalization: Strategies for Staying Healthy; Chapter 1. Breathe!: Victory Model of Diversity and Development for African American Women Scholars in Higher Education; Chapter 2. African American Women Faculty in Predominantly White Institutions: Health and Well-Being
  • Part II. What You Don't Know About the Political Environment Can Cost You: The Formal and Informal ElementsChapter 3. Notes on the Dilemma of the Black Scholar in Predominantly White Universities: A Personal Perspective via Postmodernist Agency; Chapter 4. African American Women at Predominantly White Institutions: Transitions, Trials, and Survival Strategies; Chapter 5. Inherent Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching: Implications for Tenure and the Academic Pipeline; Part III. Recourse for Socioeconomic Injustice in the Workplace
  • Chapter 6. The Impact of Social Capital on Promoting the Success of African American FacultyChapter 7. In the Margins of the Academy: Women of Color and Job Satisfaction; Chapter 8. Perceptions of African American Female Professors at a Midwestern White University: Pride! Determination! Respect! Retention?; Part IV. Tired, Sometimes Angry, and Often Disappointed: What My Dissertation Committee Never Told Me; Chapter 9. Struggles Within: Black Faculty-Black Students Intra-Racial Dynamics at Predominantly White Instituations
  • Chapter 10. Black Women in Academe: Reflections on Marriage, Children, and CareerChapter 11. Collegiality in a Multicultural Setting: A Descriptive Narrative; Part V. A Lonely Row to Hoe; Chapter 12. Social Work and the White Racial Frame: Historical and Contemporary Examples of Oppression within the Discipline; Chapter 13. Black Women Speak: Examining the Experiences of Black Women in Teacher Education; Chapter 14. Capturing the Leadership Experiences of African American Women in a Rural Southern University
  • Chapter 15. African American Faculty in Kinesiology/Physical-Education Programs at Predominantly White InstitutionsPart VI. What Can Be Done; Chapter 16. Another Strategy toward Retention: Using Counseling Techniques to Help African American Faculty Succeed in the Academy; Chapter 17. Concerns of African American Faculty Employed at Predominantly White, Doctoral Extensive Universities