Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The theoretical drivers and models of team performance and effectiveness for patient safety / Sallie J. Weaver [and others]
  • What facilitates or hinders team effectiveness in organizations? / Michael W. Leonard, Allan S. Frankel, and Andrew P. Knight
  • Building teamwork skills in health care : the case for communication and coordination competencies / Alexander Alonso and Dana M. Dunleavy
  • How can team performance be measured, assessed, and diagnosed? / Michael A. Rosen [and others]
  • Educating healthcare providers to promote teamwork : issues, requirements, and guidelines. / Karen Frush [and others]
  • Regulating and monitoring teamwork and training in healthcare : issues and challenges / Karen Frush [and others]
  • Team training in labor and delivery / Susan Mann and Steve Pratt
  • Teamwork in the operating and recovery rooms / Shilo Anders, Daniel France, and Matthew Weinger
  • Implementing team training in the emergency department : the good, the unexpected, and the problematic / Shawna J. Perry, Robert L. Wears, and Sandra S. McDonald
  • Collaborative care for children : essential models for integrating and optimizing team performance in pediatric medicine / Nana E. Coleman, Sheila Lambert, and Anthony D. Slonim
  • Trauma teamwork and patient safety / Kenneth Stahl [and others].
  • Teamwork and safety in intensive care / Jill A. Marsteller [and others]
  • Rapid response teams / Celeste Mayer [and others]
  • Implementation / Mary L. Salisbury
  • Sustainment of teamwork / Heidi King and Steve Harden
  • Does team training work? Where is the evidence? / Tripp Driskell [and others]
  • Contributions of simulation-based training to teamwork / William C. McGaghie, Walter J. Eppich, and Kevin J. O'Leary
  • A US federal agencies' role in teamwork research and implementation : a commentary / James B. Battles
  • Measuring and diagnosing team performance / David P. Baker and Jonathan Gallo
  • Teamwork in healthcare : from training programs to integrated systems of development / Michael A. Rosen and Peter J. Pronovost
  • Lessons learned from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
  • MTT program / Douglas E. Paull and Lisa M. Mazzia
  • Medical team debriefs : simple, powerful, underutilized / Scott I. Tannenbaum and Sara Goldhaber-Fiebert
  • Using the science of teamwork to transform healthcare : themes and what next / Eduardo Salas and Michael A. Rosen.