
Foundations of Space and Time : Reflections on Quantum Gravity.

Encapsulates the latest debates on this topic, giving researchers and graduate students an up-to-date view of the field.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Murugan, Jeff
Otros Autores: Weltman, Amanda, Ellis, George F. R.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; FOUNDATIONS OF SPACE AND TIME; Title; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; 1: The problem with quantum gravity; 2: A dialogue on the nature of gravity; 2.1 What is it all about?; 2.2 Local Rindler observers and entropy flow; 2.3 Thermodynamic reinterpretation of the field equations; 2.4 Field equations from a new variational principle; 2.5 Comparison with the conventional perspective and further comments; 2.6 Summary and outlook; Acknowledgements; References; 3: Effective theories and modifications of gravity; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Modifying gravity over short distances.
  • 3.2.1 Gravity and renormalizability3.2.2 Effective field theories; 3.2.3 GR as an effective theory; 3.2.4 Power counting; 3.2.5 What justifies the classical approximation?; 3.2.6 Lessons learned; 3.3 Modifying gravity over long distances; 3.3.1 Consistency issues; 3.3.2 Dark matter; 3.3.3 Dark energy; 3.3.4 Lessons learned; 3.4 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 4: The small-scale structure of spacetime; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Spontaneous dimensional reduction?; 4.2.1 Causal dynamical triangulations; 4.2.2 Renormalization group analysis; 4.2.3 Loop quantum gravity.
  • 4.2.4 High-temperature strings4.2.5 Anisotropic scaling models; 4.2.6 Other hints; 4.3 Strong coupling and small-scale structure; 4.4 Spacetime foam?; 4.5 What next?; Acknowledgments; References; 5: Ultraviolet divergences in supersymmetric theories; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Algebraic renormalization and ectoplasm; References; 6: Cosmological quantum billiards; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Minisuperspace quantization; 6.3 Automorphy and the E10 Weyl group; 6.4 Classical and quantum chaos; 6.5 Supersymmetry; 6.6 Outlook; Acknowledgments; References; 7: Progress in RNS string theory and pure spinors.
  • 7.1 Introduction7.2 BRST charges of higher-order BRST cohomologies; 7.3 Properties of Qn: cohomologies; 7.4 New BRST charges and deformed pure spinors; 7.5 Conclusions; References; Bibliography; 8: Recent trends in superstring phenomenology; 8.1 Foreword; 8.2 String theory: another primer; 8.2.1 Green-Schwarz mechanism and heterotic strings; 8.2.2 Type I and other Type II un-orientifolds; 8.2.3 Branes and dualities; 8.2.4 String duality conjectures; 8.3 Phenomenological scenarios; 8.3.1 Heterotic on CY 3-folds with fluxes/branes; 8.3.2 Unoriented D-brane worlds; 8.3.3 M-theory phenomenology.
  • 8.3.4 F-theory on elliptic CY 4-folds8.4 Intersecting vs magnetized branes; 8.4.1 Low string tension and large extra dimensions; 8.4.2 Anomalous U(1)s and generalized CS couplings; 8.5 Unoriented D-brane instantons; 8.5.1 Non-perturbative effects; 8.5.2 Fluxes, dualities and ... landscape; 8.6 Outlook; Acknowledgments; References; 9: Emergent spacetime; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Simplicity of the 1/2-BPS sector; 9.3 Dictionary; 9.4 Organizing the degrees of freedom of a matrix model; 9.5 Gravitons; 9.6 Strings; 9.7 Giant gravitons; 9.8 New geometries; 9.9 Outlook; Acknowledgments; References.