Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Front Matter""; ""Half Title Page""; ""Title Page""; ""Dedication Page""; ""Copyright Page""; ""Table of Contents""; ""LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES""; ""FIGURES""; ""PREFACE""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Introduction: National and Spatial Divisions In Israel""; ""Content""; ""PART I: The Arab-Jewish Cleavage""; ""Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip: Contested Domains""; ""The Changing Strategies of Mobilization among the Arabs in Israel: Parliamentary Politics, Local Politics, and National Organizations""; ""PART II: The Ethnic-Class Cleavage""
  • ""Oriental Jews in the Development Towns: Ethnicity, Economic Development, Budgets, and Politics""""The Integration of Renewal Neighborhoods into the Mainstream of Israeli Society: Illusion or Reality?""; ""PART III: The Religious-Secular Cleavage""; ""The Emergence of Ultra-Orthodox Neighborhoods in Israeli Urban Centers""; ""Gush Emunim New Settlements in the West Bank: From Social Movement to Regional Interest Group""; ""PART IV: The Left-Right Cleavage""; ""Kibbutzim and Moshavim: From Ideological Symbol to Interest Group""; ""PART V: Cleavages in the City""
  • ""Jerusalem: Central Authority and Local Autonomy""""Back Matter""; ""GLOSSARY""; ""LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS""; ""INDEX""; ""Back Cover""