Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Generative phonoloogy, universals, and the explanation of French and Portuguese nasalization / B.H. Bichakjian
  • Forms of address of Brazilian Portuguese: standard European or Oriental honorifics? / J.B. Jensen
  • A historical parallel between passives and adjectives / A.J. Naro
  • Sobre o discutido problema da origem do gal.-port inzar/incar 'infectar, ' etc. / J.M. Piel
  • Aspectos da lĺingua portuguesa nos Estados Unidos da América do Norte / C. Rameh
  • Alfonso X of Castile and Diniz of Portugal: patrons of medieval universities / S.R. Ackerlind
  • An enigmatic fresco at Fontainebleau and French attitudes toward chivalry / D. Stone, Jr.
  • Regretter: genealogia della ripetizione nell'eposodio di Paolo e Francesca / P. Valesio
  • Exercise in power: suicide for love in French romances of the 12th and 13th centuries / J.B. Williamson.