Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Vertex operators in algebraic topology / Andrew Baker
  • The radical of a vertex operator algebra / Chongying Dong, Haisheng Li and Geoffrey Mason [and others]
  • Associative subalgebras of the Griess algebra and related topics / Chongying Dong, Haisheng Li and Geoffrey Mason [and others]
  • A vertex operator algebra related to E[subscript 8] with automorphism group O[superscript +](10, 2) / Robert L. Griess, Jr.
  • Modular forms associated with the Monster module / Koichiro Harada and Mong Lung Lang
  • Quilts, the 3-string braid group, and braid actions on finite groups: an introduction / Tim Hsu
  • The moonshine VOA and a tensor product of Ising models / Masahiko Miyamoto
  • Netting the Monster / Simon P. Norton
  • Monster roots / Christopher S. Simons.