Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. General introduction / William Dembski and Michael Ruse
  • The argument from design : a brief history / Michael Ruse
  • Who's afraid of ID? : a survey of the intelligent design movement / Angus Menuge
  • pt. I: Darwinism. Design without designer : Darwin's greatest discovery / Francisco J. Ayala
  • The flagellum unspun : the collapse of "irreducible complexity" / Kenneth R. Miller
  • The design argument / Elliott Sober
  • DNA by design? : Stephen Meyer and the return of the god hypothesis / Robert T. Pennock
  • pt. II: Complex self-organization. Prolegomenon to a general biology / Stuart Kauffman
  • Darwinism, design, and complex systems dynamics / Bruce H. Weber and David J. Depew
  • Emergent complexity, teleology, and the arrow of time / Paul Davies
  • The emergence of biological value / James Barham
  • pt. III: Theistic evolution. Darwin, design, and divine providence / John F. Haught
  • The inbuilt potentiality of creation / John Polkinghorne
  • Theistic evolution / Keith Ward
  • Intelligent design : some geological, historical, and theological questions / Michael Roberts
  • The argument from laws of nature reassessed / Richard Swinburne
  • pt. IV: Intelligent design. The logical underpinnings of intelligent design / William A. Dembski
  • Information, entropy, and the origin of life / Walter L. Bradley
  • Irreducible complexity : obstacle to Darwinian evolution / Michael J. Behe
  • The Cambrian information explosion : evidence for intelligent design / Stephen C. Meyer.