Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The evolutionary basis of meaning in music : some neurological and neuroscientific implications / Ian Cross
  • Historical perspectives on the study of music in neurology / Julene K. Johnson, Amy B. Graziano, Jacky Hayward
  • The creative brain : fundamental features, associated conditions and unifying neural mechanisms / Stavia Blunt
  • The neurologist in the concert hall and the musician at the bedside / George K. York III
  • The human nervous system
  • a clavichord? On the use of metaphors in the history of modern neurology / Frank Stahnisch
  • The musician's brain as a model for adaptive and maladaptive plasticity / Eckart Altenmüller
  • Temporal co-ordination of the two hands in playing the violin / Mario Wiesendanger
  • Music as a calibrator of time : auditory processing / Steve Jones
  • Musical reading and writing / John Brust
  • Fools at musick : Thomas Willis (1621-1675) on congenital amusia / Marjorie Lorch
  • Musicogenic epilepsy / Jock Murray
  • Musical hallucinations / Stefan Evers
  • Migraine aura as source of artistic inspiration in the German "dark chanteuse" Alwa Glebe ; Musical palinacousis as an aura symptom in persistent aura without infarction / Klaus Podoll
  • Coloured-hearing synaesthesia in nineteenth-century Italy / Lorenzo Lorusso, Alessandro Porro
  • Crossed wires : synaesthetic responses to music / Ivan Moseley
  • The recognition of music in frontotemporal lobar degeneration / Julene K. Johnson
  • Maurice Ravel and the music of the brain / Ola Selnes
  • Cerebrovascular disorders of Baroque composers / Tomislav Breitenfeld, Darko Breitenfeld, Vida Demarin
  • From sensibility to madness in nineteenth-century Romanticism : neurosyphilis in German-speaking composers / Hansjörg Bäzner, Michael Hennerici
  • Singing : when it helps / Gottfried Schlaug
  • Singing improves word production in patients with aphasia / Geir Olve Skeie, Torun Einbu, Johan Aarli
  • Nerve compression syndromes in musicians : a surgeon's view / Ian Winspur
  • Focal hand dystonia affecting musicians / Katherine Butler.