Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Viral gene expression and host cell immunity / Jia-Hai Lee, Fredric Abramson
  • Retroviral gene expression regulation / María Rosa López-Huertas, Mayte Coiras
  • Modulation of cellular signaling and gene expression by vitamin E / Jean-Marc Zingg, Angelo Azzi
  • Vitamin E activity in immune response : a possible immunoenhancing role in chronic viral infections / Sirio Fiorino [and others]
  • Regulation of geminivirus gene expression : potential applications in biotechnology / Kathleen L. Hefferon
  • Gene expression regulation in the developing brain / Ching-Lin Tsai, Li-Hsueh Wang
  • A bioinformatical approach to the analysis of viral and cellular internal ribosome entry sites / Martin Mokrejs [and others]
  • Analysis of gene family expression in African endemic- and AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma / Antoinette C. van der Kuyl [and others]
  • Diagnostic classification using gene expression profiling in AML / K.I. Mills, A.F. Gilkes
  • Regulation of baculovirus-mediated gene expression / Wen-Hsin Lo, Yu-Chen Hu.