Tabla de Contenidos:
  • INSOLVENCY ISSUES AND THE FDIC; FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND SERVICES; CONTENTS; PREFACE; A YEAR IN BANK SUPERVISION: 2008 AND A FEW OF ITS LESSONS; BANK SUPERVISION; The Prelude to the Events of 2008; A Selective 2008 Chronology; The First Quarter; 2008: THE YEAR OF THE BANK HOLDING COMPANY; Total assets converting to bank holding company status or acquired by bank holdingcompanies in these transactions: 4.3 trillion; The Second Quarter; The Third Quarter; The Fourth Quarter; TROUBLED ASSET RELIEF PROGRAM CAPITAL PURCHASE PROGRAM; Areas of Bank Regulatory and Supervisory Focus Beyond 2008.
  • UnderwritingConsumer Protection; Capital; Concentrated Risk; Liquidity; Public Stakeholders; Conclusion; REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE: A PRIMER; Background; Managing RDC Risks; Operational Risks and Controls; Customer Screening; Monitoring and Reporting; Vendor Screening; Customer Audits; Business Continuity Planning; Change Control Processes; Insurance; Legal Risks and Controls; Compliance Risks and Controls; Conclusion; Future Prospects; FROM THE EXAMINER'S DESK: CHANGES TO REGULATION Z AFFORD INCREASED CONSUMER PROTECTIONS.
  • New and Enhanced Protections for Consumers of Higher-Priced and High-Cost Mortgage LoansNew Protections for Consumers of Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans; Relying on the collateral securitizing the loan without regard to the consumer's ability to repay the loan; Relying on the consumer's income or assets without verifying such amounts through reasonably reliable third-party documents; COMPLIANCE PRACTITIONER NOTE; Imposing a prepayment penalty after two years or imposing a prepayment penalty at any time under certain circumstances65.
  • Failing to escrow for property taxes and mortgage-related insurance when the mortgage loan is secured by a first lienHIGHER-PRICED MORTGAGES AND HMDA; Enhanced Protections for Consumers of High-Cost Mortgage Loans; Collateral-based Lending without Regard to Repayment Ability; Prepayment Penalties; IMPACT OF REGULATION Z'S HIGHER-PRICED AND HIGH-COST MORTGAGE AMENDMENTS ON NONTRADITIONAL AND SUBPRIME MORTGAGE GUIDANCE; Appraisal and Servicing Protections for Consumers of Mortgage Loans Secured by the Consumer's Principal Dwelling.
  • Expanded and Enhanced Early Disclosure Requirements and New Prohibitions against Deceptive AdvertisingEarly Disclosures; Advertising; Effective Dates; Conclusion; OVERVIEW OF SELECTED REGULATIONS AND SUPERVISORY GUIDANCE; End Notes; THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC): EFFORTS TO SUPPORT FINANCIAL AND HOUSING MARKETS; SUMMARY; BRIEF OVERVIEW OF FDIC FUNCTIONS; Deposit Insurance; Resolution of Bank Failures; EFFORTS TO SUPPORT FINANCIAL AND HOUSING MARKETS15; Increase in Deposit Insurance; Support of the Deposit Insurance Fund; Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program.