
International law, conflict and development : the emergence of a holistic approach in international affairs /

Experience and research have long shown an intrinsic link between human rights, conflict and development. This interdependence between different areas, doctrines, and disciplines calls for a genuinely coherent, holistic approach in International Affairs. With the challenges the work for the protecti...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Kälin, Walter, Voyame, Joseph, 1923-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Secession : a legal approach / Marcelo G. Kohen
  • Lʼarticulation du droit international humanitaire et des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels en temps dʼoccupation / Sylvain Vité
  • Le conseil de sécurité face á la protection des civils dans les conflits armés / Gloria Gaggioli et Robert Kolb
  • 'Extraordinary renditions', diplomatic assurances and the principle of non-refoulement / Manfred Nowak
  • Actes de gouvernement et droits le lʼhomme : Lʼaffaire Marković / Lucius Caflisch
  • Filling the gaps : contributions by the human rights committee to the fight against torture / Walter Kälin
  • Combating racism : a call for justice / Daniel Thürer and Lorenz Langer
  • The principle of non-discrimination in the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights / Barbara Wilson
  • Inclusion and exclusion : the difference in the notion of 'national' in the framework of minority rights regimes / Maurice D. Voyame
  • Quinze ans dʼune nouvelle dynamique contre le racisme et en faveur de la protection des minorit́es en europe / Doris Angst
  • Killings by law enforcement officials : the international human rights legal framework / Philip Alston and William Abresch
  • From commission on human rights to human rights council : itinerary of a reform process / Eric Tistounet
  • The weakness of the present system of treaty monitoring and the discussion of reform in general / Christopy A. Spenlé and Gian C. Stäubli
  • Lʼamnistie entre lʼexigence de justice et lʼindispensable réconciliation : lorsque les armes se taisnet, que faire des crimes qui ont é́́té commis á lʼoccasion dʼun conflit armé? / Francois Bugnion
  • Islands of excellence in oceans of apathy : why are we better at saving lives than at improving them? / Patrick Webb
  • A holistic approach for promoting the rule of law / Josef Bucher
  • Just war concepts : western and chinese perspectives / Nadine Godehardt
  • Systemic thinking and practice in conflict transformation / Daniela Körppen, Norbert Ropers & Oliver Wils
  • Conflict transformation and constitution making in Nepal : What constitutional mechanisms are useful for resolving conflict within a state? / Günther Bächler
  • The african union and reactions to international crimes / Djacoba L. Tehindrazanarivelo
  • International electoral observation as a means of evaluation democracy and promoting respect for civil and political rights / Gérard Stoudmann and Scott Smith
  • The emperors clothes : critical reflection on the disarmanment, demobilization and reintergration / Robert Muggah
  • The influence of the kimberly process on conflict and natural resource trade in Africa : what can the UN do? / Salil Tripathi
  • Between peacekeeping and peacebuilding : international engagement for peace in the South Caucasus : experience of a UN SRSG / Heidi Tagliavini.