
Learning Ext JS 3.2 : build dynamic, desktop-style user interfaces for your data-driven web applications using Ext JS /

Ext JS is a JavaScript library that makes it (relatively) easy to create desktop-style user interfaces in a web application, including multiple windows, toolbars, drop-down menus, dialog boxes, and much more. This book covers all of the major features of the Ext framework using interactive code and...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Frederick, Shea
Otros Autores: Colin, Ramsay, Blades, Steve (Cutter), White, Nigel
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham, UK : Packt Pub., Ã2010.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Getting Started; A word about JavaScript; I'm asynchronous!; About Ext JS; Ext JS: not just another JavaScript library; Cross-browser DOM (Document Object Model); Event-driven interfaces; Ext JS and AJAX; Getting Ext JS; Where to put Ext JS; Including Ext JS in our pages; What do those files do?; Spacer image; Using the Ext JS library; Time for action; The example; Using the Ext.onReady function; Not working?; Adapters; Using adapters; Localization; English only
  • A language other than EnglishMultiple languages; Ext JS online help; Online API docs; The FAQ; Ext JS forum; Summary; Chapter 2: The Staples of Ext JS; Meet the config object; The old way; The new way-config objects; What is a config object?; Widgets and classes; Time for action; What just happened?; More widget wonders; Time for (further) action; Lighting the fire; The workhorse-Ext.get; Minimizing memory usage; Can we use our own HTML?; Summary; Chapter 3: Forms; The core components of a form; Our first form; Nice form-how does it work?; Child items; Validation; Built-in validation-vtypes
  • Styles for displaying errorsCustom validation-creating our own vtype; Masking-don't press that key!; Radio buttons and check boxes; It's not a button, it's a radio button; X marks the checkbox; The ComboBox; A database-driven ComboBox; TextArea and HTMLEditor; Listening for form field events; ComboBox events; Buttons and form action; Form submission; Talking back-the server responses; Loading a form with data; Static data load; DOM listeners; Summary; Chapter 4: Menus, Toolbars, and Buttons; What's on the menu?; The menu's items; A toolbar for every occasion; Button configuration
  • A basic buttonButton with a menu; Split button; Toggling button state; Toolbar item alignment, dividers, and spacers; Shortcuts; Icon buttons; Button events and handlers-click me!; Loading content on menu item click; Form fields in a toolbar; Buttons don't have to be in a toolbar; Toolbars in panels; Toolbars unleashed; Summary; Chapter 5: Displaying Data with Grids; What is a grid anyway?; A GridPanel is databound; The record definition; The Reader; ArrayReader; JsonReader; XmlReader; Loading our data store; Displaying structured data with a GridPanel; Converting data read into the store
  • Displaying the GridPanelHow did that work?; Defining a grid's column model; Built-in column types; BooleanColumn; DateColumn; NumberColumn; TemplateColumn; ActionColumn; Using cell renderers; Formatting data using the built-in cell renderers; Creating lookup data stores-custom cell rendering; Combining two columns; Generating HTML and graphics; Built-in features; Client-side sorting; Hidden/visible columns; Column reordering; Displaying server-side data in the grid; Loading the movie database from an XML file; Loading the movie database from a JSON file; Loading data from a database using PHP