
Russia at the close of the sixteenth century : comprising the treatise "Of the Russe common wealth," by Dr. Giles Fletcher ; and the travels of Sir Jerome Horsey, knight, now for the first time printed entire from his own manuscript /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Bond, Edward A., Fletcher, Giles, 1549?-1611, Horsey, Jerome, Sir, -1626
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Surrey, England : Ashgate, 2010.
Colección:Works issued by the Hakluyt Society.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • CHAP. I. The description of the countrie of Russia, with, the breadth, length, and names of the shires
  • CHAP. II. Of the Soyle and Climate
  • CHAP. III. The native commodities of the countrie
  • CHAP. IV. The chiefe Cities of Russia
  • CHAP. V. Of the house or stocke of the Russe emperours
  • CHAP. VI. Of the manner of crowning or inauguration of the Russe emperours
  • CHAP. VII. The state or forme of their government
  • CHAP. VIII. The manner of holding their parliaments
  • CHAP. IX. Of the nobilitie, and by what meanes it is kept in an under proportion agreeable to that stateCHAP. X. Of the government of their provinces and shires
  • CHAP. XI. Of the Emperours Counsell
  • CHAP. XII. Of the emperours customes and other revenues
  • CHAP. XIII. Of the state of the Communaltie, or vulgar sorte of people in the countrie of Russia
  • CHAP. XIV. Of their publique justice, and manner of proceeding in civill and criminall matters
  • CHAP. XV. Their forces for the warres, with the chief officers and their salaries
  • CHAP. XVI. Of their mustering and levying of forces, manner of armour, and provision of victuall for the warresCHAP. XVII. Of their inarching, charging, and other martiall discipline
  • CHAP. XVIII. Of their Colonies, and mainteyning of their conquests or purchases by force
  • CHAP. XIX. Of the Tartars and other Borderers to the countrie of Russia, with whome they haite most to doo in warre and peace
  • CHAP. XX. Of the Permians, Samoites, and Lappes
  • CHAP. XXI. Of their Ecclesiasticall state, with their Church offices
  • CHAP. XXII. Of their Leiturgie, or forme of Church-service, and their manner of administring the SacramentsCHAP. XXIII. Of the Doctrine of the Russe Church, and what errours it holdeth
  • CHAP. XXIV. Of the manner of solemnizing their Marriages
  • CHAP. XXV. Of the other Ceremonies of the Russe Church
  • CHAP. XXVI. Of the Emperours domestike or private Behaviour
  • CHAP. XXVII. Of the Emperours private or householde Officers
  • CHAP. XXVIII. Of the private behaviour, or qualitie of the Russe people
  • A relacion or memqriall abstracted owt of sir jerom horsey his travells, imploiments, services and negociacions, observed and written with his owne hand: wherin he spent the most part of eighten years tyme4. appendix i: the most solemne and magnificent coronaction of pheodor ivanowich emperour of russia, etc
  • 5. appendix ii: a discourse of the second and third imploymente of mr. jerome horsey, esquire, nowe knighte, sente from hir majestie to the emporer of rushea, in anno 1585 and 1589
  • 6. appendix iii. complants of the russia company against jerome horsey