Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction and overview: leveraging student performance through high-stakes reform / Christopher Roellke and Jennifer King Rice
  • pt. I. Capacity for implementing high-stakes accountability policies. A framework for assessing the imact of education reforms on school capacity: insights from studies of high-stakes accountability initiatives / Betty Malen and Jennifer King Rice ; No Child Left Behind reforms and the state administrative response / Gail L. Sunderman and Gary Orfield ; The road to supplemental services: challenges to implementation / Christine Padilla
  • pt. II. Teachers and high-stakes accountability. Are we there yet?: the distribution of highly qualified teachers post-NCLB / Tammy Kolbe and Jennifer King Rice ; Bolstering capacity for heightened state and federal standards?: an exploration of national, state, and school district staffing trends, 1986-2003 / John W. Sipple ; Struggling to improve teacher quality in difficult-to-staff schools: NCLB and teacher policy / Jennifer King Rice and Christopher Roellke
  • Part III. Accountability tensions across the system: balancing federal, state, and local interests. Federal curriculum policy in the states / Dalia Hochman ; After five years: revisiting the cost of No Child Left Behind Act / William J. Mathis ; Federal educational control in No Child Left Behind: implications of two court challenges / Deborah Temkin and Christopher Roellke
  • Conclusion: Linking high-stakes accountability and capacity / Jennifer King Rice and Christopher Roellke.