
The dictionary of alternatives : utopianism and organisation /

"Part reference work, part source book, and part polemic, this dictionary provides a rich understanding of the ways in which fiction, history and today's politics provide different ways of thinking about how we can and should organize for the coming century"--Publisher description.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Parker, Martin, 1962-
Otros Autores: Fournier, Valérie, 1974-, Reedy, Patrick
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London, England : Zed Books, ©2007.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • About the Authors
  • Introduction
  • List of Contributors
  • Further Reading
  • Abbey of Theleme
  • Agora
  • Alternative Geopolitics
  • Amazons
  • America
  • Amish
  • Anabaptists
  • Anarchism
  • Anti-Capitalism
  • Appropriate Technology
  • Arcadia
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Atlantis
  • Attac
  • Auroville
  • Auto-Didacticism
  • Autonomia
  • Bakunin, Mikhail
  • Ball, John
  • Bartering
  • Battle of Seattle
  • Blac(k) Bloc
  • Blake, William
  • Bookchin, Murray
  • Bournville
  • Bray, John Francis
  • Brethren of the Free Spirit
  • Brook Farm
  • Bureaucracy
  • Captain Swing
  • Carnival
  • Cathars
  • Centri Sociali
  • Chipko Movement
  • Christiania
  • Christianopolis
  • City of the Sun
  • City State
  • Cockaigne (or Cockaygne)
  • Collectivism
  • Commons
  • Commonwealth
  • Commune
  • Communism
  • Communitarianism
  • Community
  • Community Credit
  • Community Gardens
  • Community-Supported Agriculture
  • Cooperative City
  • Cooperatives
  • Credit Unions
  • Crystal Waters
  • Cuba
  • Cult
  • Decroissance / Degrowth
  • Deep Ecology
  • Democracy
  • Diggers
  • Direct Action
  • Disobbedienti
  • Dispossessed, The
  • Dissenters
  • Dissenting Academies
  • Dystopia
  • Ecofeminism
  • Ecotopia
  • Ecovillages
  • Eden
  • El Dorado
  • Employee Ownership
  • Empowerment
  • Environmentalism
  • Erewhon
  • Esop
  • Fair Trade
  • Farmers' Markets
  • Fascism
  • Federalism
  • Feminism
  • Feminist Utopias
  • Findhorn
  • Focolare
  • Fourier, Charles
  • Free Schools
  • Free State Project
  • Freeland
  • Freire, Paulo
  • Friendly Societies
  • Gandhi, Mohandas K.
  • Garden Cities
  • Godwin, William
  • Golden Age
  • Goldman, Emma
  • Grameen Bank
  • Grassroots
  • Guerrilla
  • Guilds
  • Gulliver's Travels
  • Hayden, Dolores
  • Herland
  • Illich, Ivan
  • Industrial Democracy
  • Indymedia (Independent Media Centre)
  • Intentional Community
  • Internationals
  • Islamic Finance
  • Island
  • Isle of Pines
  • John Lewis Partnership
  • Kalmar
  • Kibbutz
  • Kingdom of Heaven On Earth
  • Kropotkin, Peter
  • Le Corbusier
  • Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
  • Lets (Local Exchange and Trading Schemes)
  • Levellers
  • Liberalism
  • Libertarianism
  • Llano Del Rio
  • Localization
  • Looking Backward
  • Luddites
  • Luxemburg, Rosa
  • Management
  • Mao Tse-Tung
  • Markets
  • Marx, Karl
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Mechanics' Institutes and Mutual Improvement Societies
  • Millenarianism
  • Minarchism or Minimal Statism
  • Monasticism
  • Mondragòn
  • MST (Movimento Dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra)
  • Multitude
  • Mutualism
  • Network
  • New Atlantis
  • New Discovery of Terra Incognita Australis
  • New Jerusalem
  • New Lanark
  • New Model Army
  • News from Nowhere
  • Non-Conformism
  • Non-Violent Resistance
  • Nozick, Robert
  • Oceana
  • Oneida
  • Open Source Software
  • Owen, Robert
  • Paradise
  • Paris Commune
  • Peasants' Revolt
  • Permaculture
  • Pirate Utopia
  • Plutarch
  • Polis
  • Port Sunlight
  • Porto Alegre
  • Protectionism
  • Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
  • Quakers
  • Quality of Working Life (QWL)
  • Rand, Ayn
  • Ranters
  • Rawls, John
  • Republic, The
  • Revolution
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Rochdale Pioneers
  • Romanticism
  • Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
  • Ruskin, John
  • Sade, Marquis De
  • Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de
  • Saltaire
  • Schumacher, E.F.
  • Science Fiction
  • Scott Bader Commonwealth
  • Secret Societies
  • Self-Sufficiency
  • Shakers
  • Shangri-La
  • Situationist
  • Slow Food
  • Small States
  • Smallness
  • Smith, Adam
  • Social Capital
  • Social Ecology
  • Social Economy
  • Socialism
  • Soviet Union
  • Soviets
  • Spanish Anarchist Militias
  • Squatting
  • Stirner, Max
  • Subsistence Work
  • Suma
  • Summerhill
  • Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage
  • Sustainability
  • Syndicalism
  • Terrorism
  • Therapeutic Communities
  • Time Banks
  • Tolstoy (or Tolstoi), Leo
  • Tower Colliery
  • Trade Unions
  • Travellers
  • Tute Bianche
  • Twin Oaks
  • Utopia
  • Via Campesina
  • Villages
  • Voyage to Icaria
  • Walden
  • Walden Two
  • Wells, Herbert George
  • Wikipedia
  • Woman On the Edge of Time
  • Worker Self-Management
  • World Social Forum
  • Zakât (or Zakaat, or Zakah)
  • Zapatistas.