Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Taking the lead on climate change / Robert W. Fri
  • Stimulating technology to slow climate change / Raymond J. Kopp ... et al.
  • A carbon tax to reduce the deficit / Dallas Burtraw, Paul R. Portney
  • Slaking our thirst for oil / Ian Parry, Joel Darmstadter
  • Stimulating renewable energy: a 'green power' initiative / Joel Darmstadter
  • Rewarding automakers for fuel economy improvements / Carolyn Fischer, Paul R. Portney
  • Making electricity markets competitive: how fast and by whom? / Timothy J. Brennan
  • Cleaning up power plant emissions / Dallas Burtraw, Karen L. Palmer
  • Pay-as-you-drive for car insurance / Winston Harrington, Ian Parry
  • State innovation for environmental improvements: experimental federalism / Winston Harrington, Karen L. Palmer, Margaret Walls
  • Pay as you slow: road pricing to reduce traffic congestion / Ian Parry, Elena Safirova
  • Focus on particulates more than smog / Alan J. Krupnick
  • A new approach to air quality management / Alan J. Krupnick, Jhih-Shyang Shih
  • Redirecting superfund dollars / Katherine N. Probst
  • A broader view of brownfield revitalization / Kris Wernstedt
  • Modernizing the food safety system / Michael R. Taylor
  • Performance standards for food safety / Sandra A. Hoffmann, Alan J. Krupnick
  • Streamlining forest service planning / Roger A. Sedjo
  • Smarter budgeting for space missions / Molly K. Macauley
  • Getting serious about antibiotic resistance / Ramanan Laxminarayan
  • Zoning the oceans: changing the focus of U.S. fisheries management / James N. Sanchirico
  • Combatting ignorance about U.S. water quality / James Boyd, Leonard Shabman
  • Create a bureau of environmental statistics / H. Spencer Banzhaf
  • Treading carefully with environmental information / Thomas C. Beierle
  • Better evaluation of life-saving environmental regulations / Maureen L. Cropper.