
Space and time in perception and action /

"What is the instantaneous position of a moving object from the point of view of the observer? How does a tennis player know when and where to place their racket in order to return a 120 mph serve? Does time stop sometimes and go faster at others? Space, time and motion have played a fundamenta...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Nijhawan, Romi, Khurana, Beena
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Space and time: the fabric of thought and reality / Beena Khurana and Romi Nijhawan
  • The internal eye position signal, psychophysics and neurobiology / John Schlag and Madeleine Schlag-Rey
  • Factors influencing perisaccadic visual mislocalization / Hitoshi Honda
  • Visual and non-visual factors in perisaccadic compression of space / Markus Lappe, Lars Michels and Holger Awater
  • Keeping vision stable: rapid updating of spatiotopic receptive fields may cause relativistic-like effects / M. Concetta Morrone, John Ross and David C. Burr
  • Combined influences of extraretinal signals, retinal signals, and visual induction on space perception and manual behavior in perisaccadic and steady viewing / Leonard Matin and Wenxun Li
  • Space constancy: the rise and fall of perceptual compensation / Bruce Bridgeman
  • Intercepting moving objects: do eye-movements matter? / Eli Brenner and Jeroen B.J. Smeets.
  • The utility of visual motion for goal-directed reaching / David Whitney, Ikuya Murakami and Hiroaki Gomi
  • Saccadic chronostasis and the continuity of subjective temporal experience across eye movements / Kielan Yarrow, Patrick Haggard and John C. Rothwell
  • Experiencing the future: the influence of self-initiation on temporal perception / Timothy Verstynen, Michael Oliver and Richard B. Ivry
  • On the perceived interdependence of space and time: evidence for spatial priming in the temporal kappa effect / Gisa Aschersleben and Jochen Müsseler
  • Dynamics of visual feature binding / Colin W.G. Clifford
  • How does the timing of neural signals map onto the timing of perception? / David M. Eagleman
  • Mechanisms of simultaneity constancy / Laurence Harris [and others]
  • Relative timing and perceptual asynchrony / Derek H. Arnold.
  • The time marker account of cross-channel temporal judgments / Shin'ya Nishida and Alan Johnston
  • Simultaneity versus asynchrony of visual motion and luminance changes / Martin J.M. Lankheet and Wim A. van de Grind
  • The Fröhlich effect: past and present / Dirk Kerzel
  • Approaches to representational momentum: theories and models / Timothy L. Hubbard
  • Conceptual influence on flash-lag effect and representational momentum / Masayoshi Nagai [and others]
  • Perceptual asynchronies and the dual-channel differential latency hypothesis / Hulusi Kafaligönül [and others]
  • Paying attention to the flash-lag effect / Marcus V.C. Baldo and Stanley A. Klein
  • Illusions of time, space and motion: flash-lag meets chopsticks and reversed phi / Stuart Anstis.
  • Bridging the gap: a model of common neural mechanisms underlying the Fröhlich effect, the flash-lag effect, and the representational momentum effect / Dirk Jancke and Wolfram Erlhagen
  • Perceiving-the-present and a unifying theory of illusions / Mark A. Changizi [and others]
  • History and theory of flash-lag: past, present and future / Gerrit W. Maus, Beena Khurana and Romi Nijhawan
  • Object updating: a force for perceptual continuity and scene stability in human vision / James T. Enns, Alejandro Lleras and Cathleen M. Moore
  • A motion illusion reveals the temporally discrete nature of visual awareness / Rufin VanRullen, Leila Reddy and Christof Koch
  • Priming and retouch in flash-lag and other phenomena of the streaming perceptual input / Talis Bachmann.