Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Challenges and realities: family-community-school partnership / Olivia N. Saracho and Bernard Spodek
  • The relationship of parents to early childhood education through the years / Bernard Spodek and Olivia N. Saracho
  • Young children experiencing divorce and family transitions: how early childhood professionals can help / Marion F. Ehrenberg [and others]
  • Family context and psychological development in early childhood: educational implications / Enrique B. Arranz Freijo
  • Parenting self-efficacy, competence in parenting, and possible links to young children's social and academic outcomes / Priscilla K. Coleman and Katherine H. Karraker
  • Emotion regulation: implications for children's school readiness and achievement / Julia M. Braungart-Rieker and Ashley L. Hill
  • Young children's achievement: does neighborhood residence matter? / Rebecca C. Fauth, Tama Leventhal, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
  • Children as catalysts for adult relations: new perspectives from Italian early childhood education / Rebecca S. New and Bruce L. Mallory
  • Cultural beliefs about childrearing and schooling in immigrant families and "developmentally appropriate practices": yawning gaps! / Jaipaul L. Roopnarine and Aysegul Metindogan
  • Mexican American families: cultural and linguistic influences / Olivia N. Saracho and Frances Martínez-Hancock
  • Involvement of American Indian families in early childhood education / Laura Hubbs-Tait [and others]
  • Contemporary transformations in families, communities, and schools / Olivia N. Saracho and Bernard Spodek.