Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Freedom Bound
  • Prologue Beginning: "As much freedome in reason as may be"
  • Part I. Manning, Planting, Keeping
  • 1. Manning: "Setteynge many on Worke"
  • 2. Planting: "Directed and Conducted Thither"
  • 3. Keeping (I): Discourses of Intrusion
  • 4. Keeping (II): English Desires, Designs
  • Part II. Poly-Olbion, or, The Inside Narrative
  • 5. Packing: New Inhabitants
  • 6. Unpacking: Received Wisdoms of Law and Work
  • 7. Changing: Localities, Legalities
  • Part III. "What, then, is the American, this new man?"
  • 8. Modernizing: Polity, Economy, Patriarchy
  • 9. Enslaving: Facies Hippocratica
  • 10. Ending: "Strange Order of Things!"
  • Appendix I. European Migration to English Mainland America, 1600-1780, and the Incidence of Indentured Servitude: Estimates and Sources
  • Appendix II. Seasoning and General Mortality in the Chesapeake Region: Estimates.