Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: In the spirit of Hegel.
  • pt. 1. Setting the stage: the times, the man, the book. The spirit of the times ; From Kant to Hegel ; Younger Hegel ; The phenomenology of spirit: The book ; The phenomenology of spirit: Its purpose ("Truth") ; The phenomenology of spirit: Its structure ; Hegel's own view of the Phenomenology: The preface.
  • pt. 2. Hitching the highway of despair: an analysis of the Phenomenology. Against method (The "introduction" to the Phenomenology) ; Consciousness and the dialectic: Hegel's theory of knowledge and his philosophy of science (chapters 1-3, 4, 5A) ; Self-consciousness: desire, dependency, and freedom (chapter 4) ; Another note on reason and the dialectic ; Hegel's ethics (chapter 5, parts B and C, chapter 6) ; The secret of Hegel (Kierkegaard's complaint): Hegel's Philosophy of religion.
  • Tentative conclusion: "Absolute knowing."