Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Europe and Israel: Troubled Neighbours
  • An Introduction
  • Part One. Mutual Perceptions
  • Israel in the Eyes of Europeans: A Speculative Essay
  • Europe in the Eyes of Israelis: The Memory of Europe as Heritage and Trauma
  • Part Two. The Economic Dimension
  • The Community as Israel's Trading Partner: A Look at the Future
  • Main Economic Trends in EC-Israel Economic Relations Since the Creation of the Common Market
  • The Integration of the Israeli Economy into the E.E.C.: Recent Trends and a Forecast.
  • The Impact of the FTA Agreement with the E.E.C. on Israeli Industry: A Follow-up
  • The 1975 Free Trade Agreement and its Impact on Israeli Exports to the E.E.C
  • Part Three. The Second Enlargement of the EEC: Effect on Euro-Israel Relations
  • Spain and the Enlargement of the EEC
  • The Impact of the Second Enlargement of the EC upon Israel's Balance of Payments
  • The EEC Trade Policies in Manufactures, the Mediterranean Market. Access Problems and Israel
  • Implications of the Second Enlargement
  • Part Four. The Institutional Dimension of EEC Israel Relations.
  • The Institutional Context of EEC-Israel Economic Relations
  • Part Five. The Political Dimension
  • The Evolution of an European Foreign Policy: Mechanisms and Institutions
  • Europe and the Arab World: The Difficult Dialogue
  • Reflections on the Capability of the European Community to Play an Active Role in an International Crisis: The Case of the Israeli Action in Lebanon
  • Votes of EC Members at the United Nations on Questions Related to Israel
  • Suppressing Terrorism: Problems of European-Israel Cooperation
  • The Links Between Israel and the European Community
  • Index.