Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. 1. Program-level overviews
  • Service-learning in communication: why?
  • Integrating communication theory and practice in community settings: approaches, opportunities, and ongoing challenges
  • Integrating service-learning into the communication curriculum at a research university: from institutionalization to assessment of effectiveness
  • Service-learning at the graduate level
  • Faculty incentives: a necessity for integrating service-learning
  • pt. 2. Service-learning in communication courses
  • Learning language, culture, and community
  • Service-learning and interpersonal communication: connecting students with the community
  • Small group problem solving as academic service-learning
  • Performance of oral traditions: a service-learning approach
  • Advocacy in service of others: service-learning in argumentation courses
  • Giving students "all of the above": combining service-learning with the public speaking course
  • Communication and social change: applied communication theory in service-learning
  • Community media as a pedagogical laboratory
  • Read all about it! using civic journalism as a service-learning strategy
  • Communication campaigns course as a model for incorporating service-learning into the curriculum
  • Public relations and public service: integrating service-learning into the public relations seminar
  • pt. 3. Reflections and resources
  • Critical reflection and social power in service-learning
  • Communication and service-learning: bridging the gap.