Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Reinventing the wheel / David Edge
  • Four models for the dynamics of science / Michel Callon
  • Coming of age in STS: some methodological musings / Gary Bowden
  • Origin, history, and politics of the subject called "Gender and Science": a first person account / Evelyn Fox Keller
  • Theory landscape in science studies: sociological traditions / Sal Restivo
  • Science and other indigenous knowledge systems / Helen Watson-Verran and David Turnbull
  • Laboratory studies: the cultural approach to the study of science / Karin Knorr Cetina
  • Engineering Studies / Gary Lee Downey and Juan C. Lucena
  • Feminist theories of technology / dr Judy Wajcman
  • Women and scientific careers / Mary Frank Fox.
  • Sociohistorical technology studies / Wiebe E. Bijker
  • From "impact" to social process: computers in society and culture / Paul N. Edwards
  • Science studies and machine intelligence / H.M. Collins
  • Human genome project / Stephen Hilgartner
  • Discourse, rhetoric, reflexivity: seven days in the library / Malcolm Ashmore, Greg Myers, and Jonathan Potter
  • Science and the media / Bruce V. Lewenstein
  • Public understanding of science / Brian Wynne
  • Boundaries of science / Thomas F. Gieryn
  • Science controversies: the dynamics of public disputes in the United States / Dorothy Nelkin
  • Environmental challenge to science studies / Steven Yearley
  • Science as intellectual property / Henry Etzkowitz and Andrew Webster.
  • Scientific knowledge, controversy, and public decision making / Brian Martin and Evelleen Richards
  • Science, government, and the politics of knowledge / Susan E. Cozzens and Edward J. Woodhouse
  • Politics by the same means: government and science in the United States / Bruce Bimber and David H. Guston
  • Changing policy agendas in science and technology / Aant Elzinga and Andrew Jamison
  • Science, technology, and the military: relations in transition / Wim A. Smit
  • Science and technology in less developed countries / Wesley Shrum and Yehouda Shenhav
  • Globlalizing the world: science and technology in international relations / Vittorio Ancarani.