Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Russian economy in crisis : strategy of growth and strategy of reforms / Sergei Guriev and Aleh Tsyvinski
  • Russian politics in a time of economic turmoil / Daniel Treisman
  • Federalism in Russia / Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
  • Corruption and law in Russia / Timothy Frye
  • The role of high technology industries in the Russian economy / Keith Crane and Artur Usanov
  • Russia's approach to climate change and the role of energy efficiency / Samuel Charap and Georgi Safonov
  • Gazprom : challenged giant in need of reform / Anders Aslund
  • Russian military reform against the odds / Pavel Baev
  • Foreign policy : modernization or marginalization / Dmitri Trenin
  • Foreign economic policy / Natalia Volchkova and David Tarr
  • The post-Soviet space : an obituary / Anders Aslund
  • The role of Russia in the emerging global order / Andrew Kuchins
  • Conclusion / Anders Aslund, Sergei Guriev, and Andrew Kuchins.