Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Building the tourist city: editor's introduction / Dennis R. Judd. pt. 1. An era of city-building. Urban tourism and the privatizing discourses of public infrastructure / David C. Perry ; Tourism and entertainment as local economic development: a national survey / Dennis R. Judd [and others].
  • pt. 2. Building a tourist space. Building the infrastructure of urban tourism: the case of St. Louis / David Laslo [and others] ; Indianapolis, a sport strategy, and the redefinition of downtown redevelopment / Mark S. Rosentraub ; If we build it, they will come! tourism-based economic development in Baltimore / Donald F. Norris ; From waterhole to world city: place-luck and public agenda in Denver / Susan E. Clark and Martin Saiz ; Tourism and strategic competitiveness: infrastructure development in Mexico City / Daniel Hiernaux-Nicolas.
  • pt. 3. Restructuring the urban environment. The political economy of tourism development in the San Diego-Tijuana trans-frontier metropolis / Lawrence A. Herzog ; Tourism infrastructure and urban redevelopment in Montréal / Marc V. Levine ; Tourism infrastructure of a postindustrial city: a case study of Vancouver, British Columbia / Alan Artibise and John Meligrana ; The infrastructure of urban tourism: a European model? a comparative analysis of mega-projects in four Eurocities / Leo van den Berg [and others].