Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cognitive Psychology Research Developments; Contents; Preface; Limits to General Expertise: A Study of In- And Out-of-Field Graph Interpretation; Abstract; Introduction; Background; Research Design; Levels of In-Field and Out-of-Field Performance; Differences Across Domains; Contingent Nature of Interpretation; The Work of Structuring a Graph Reading Task: Anatomy of a Problematic Graph Reading; Core Practitioners and Limited Nature of Expertise; Acknowledgements; References; Appendix Transcription Conventions; Conceptual Combination: Models, Theories, and Controversies; Abstract.
  • IntroductionCurrent Models of Conceptual Combination; Agreements and Controversies
  • An Analytical Framework; Conclusion; References; A Test of the Cognitive Theory of Obsessions: Study of Internal Structure and Validity of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire in Italian Individuals; Abstract; Introduction; The Obsessive Compulsive Cognition Working Group (OCCWG); Development of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire (Obq); Method; Measures; Results; Explorative Factor Analysis: Six-Factor Solution; Comfermative Factor Analysis; Psychometric Characteristics of the OBQ-I46.
  • Intercorrelation between the ScalesCriterion-Oriented Validity; Convergent and Divergent Validity; Discussion and Conclusions; References; Haptic Abilities in Infancy and their Relation to Vision: A Review; Abstract; Introduction; Research in Infancy: A Gap between the Visual and Haptic Modalities; Main Reasons of this Gap; Overview; Perception of the Shape of Objects; Cross-Modal Transfer of Shape between Touch and Vision; References; Emotional Modulation of Selective Attention: Experimental Evidence in Specific Phobia; Introduction; Method; Specific Aims and Results; Discussion.
  • AcknowledgementsReferences; Appendix The Italian Version of the OBQ (OBQ-I46); The Moderating Effect of Switching Costs in Consumers' Relationship Dissolution. A Cross-Cultural Analysis; Abstract; Introduction; Determinant Factors of Relationship Dissolution; The Case of Car Insurance: The Moderating Effect of Switching Costs in Different Cultural Contexts; References; Tripartite Concepts of Mind and Brain, with Special Emphasis on the neuroevolutionary Postulastes of Christfried Jakob and Paul MacLean; Abstract; Introduction; Philosophical Tripartite Models of the Psyche.
  • The Tripsyche Brain System of JakobThe Tripartite Mental Apparatus of Psychoanalysis; The Triune Brain Concept of Maclean; Further Tripartite Models of the Human Mind; Discussion; Concluding Remarks; References; Category-Specific Semantics in Alzheimer's Dementia and Normal Aging?; Abstract; Semantic Memory; Subject Variables Affecting Category-Specificity: Dementia Severity; Acknowledgments; References; Preverbal Category Formation the Role of Real-World Experience; Abstract; Experiment 1; Method; Materials and Procedure; Coding; Results and Discussion; Discussion; Experiment 2; Method.