Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1.Introduction
  • Generating Electricity from Wind Energy
  • The Present Study
  • Developing an Analytical Framework
  • Temporal and Spatial Scales of Analysis
  • Understanding and Assessing Cumulative Environmental Effects
  • Organization of the Report
  • 2.Context for Analysis of Effects of Wind-Powered Electricity Generation in the United States and the Mid-Atlantic Highlands
  • Estimating the Environmental Benefits of Generating Electricity from Wind Energy
  • Wind Energy Globally
  • Quantifying Wind-Energy Benefits in the United States and the Mid-Atlantic Highlands
  • Conclusions
  • 3.Ecological Effects of Wind-Energy Development
  • Chapter Overview
  • Introduction
  • Bird Deaths in Context
  • Turbines Cause Fatalities to Birds and Bats
  • Bird and Bat Fatalities
  • Wind-Energy Projects Alter Ecosystem Structure
  • Projected Cumulative Impacts of Bird and Bat Fatalities: A Working Hypothesis
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • 4.Impacts of Wind-Energy Development on Humans
  • Introduction
  • Aesthetic Impacts
  • Cultural Impacts
  • Impacts on Human Health and Well-Being
  • Local Economic and Fiscal Impacts
  • Electromagnetic Interference
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • General Conclusions and Recommendations
  • 5.Planning for and Regulating Wind-Energy Development
  • Guidelines for Wind-Energy Planning and Regulation
  • Regulation of Wind-Energy Development
  • Framework for Reviewing Wind-Energy Proposals
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • A.About the Authors
  • B.Emission Rates for Electrical Generation
  • C.Methods and Metrics for Wildlife Studies.