
SIP : understanding the Session Initiation Protocol /

Now in its third edition, the ground-breaking Artech House bestseller SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol offers you the most comprehensive and current understanding of this revolutionary protocol for call signaling and IP Telephony. The third edition has been significantly expanded w...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Johnston, Alan B.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Boston : Artech House, ©2009.
Edición:3rd ed.
Colección:Artech House telecommunications library.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol Third Edition; Contents; Foreword to the First Edition; Preface to the Third Edition; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; 1 SIP and the Internet; 1.1 Signaling Protocols; 1.2 Internet Multimedia Protocol Stack; 1.2.1 Physical Layer; 1.2.2 Data/Link Layer; 1.2.3 Network Layer; 1.2.4 Transport Layer; 1.2.5 Application Layer; 1.2.6 Utility Applications; 1.2.7 Multicast; 1.3 Internet Names; 1.4 URLs, URIs, and URNs; 1.5 Domain Name Service; 1.5.1 DNS Resource Records; 1.5.2 Address Resource Records (A or AAAA)
  • 1.5.3 Service Resource Records (SRV)1.5.4 Naming Authority Pointer Resource Records (NAPTR); 1.5.5 DNS Resolvers; 1.6 Global Open Standards; 1.7 Internet Standards Process; 1.8 A Brief History of SIP; 1.9 Conclusion; References; 2 Introduction to SIP; 2.1 A Simple Session Establishment Example; 2.2 SIP Call with a Proxy Server; 2.3 SIP Registration Example; 2.4 SIP Presence and Instant Message Example; 2.5 Message Transport; 2.5.1 UDP Transport; 2.5.2 TCP Transport; 2.5.3 TLS Transport; 2.5.4 SCTP Transport; 2.6 Transport Protocol Selection; 2.7 Conclusion; 2.8 Questions; References
  • 3 SIP Clients and Servers 3.1 SIP User Agents; 3.2 Presence Agents; 3.3 Back-to-Back User Agents; 3.4 SIP Gateways; 3.5 SIP Servers; 3.5.1 Proxy Servers; 3.5.2 Redirect Servers; 3.5.3 Registrar Servers; 3.6 Uniform Resource Indicators; 3.7 Acknowledgment of Messages; 3.8 Reliability; 3.9 Multicast Support; 3.10 Conclusion; 3.11 Questions; References; 4 SIP Request Messages; 4.1 Methods; 4.1.1 INVITE; 4.1.2 REGISTER; 4.1.3 BYE; 4.1.4 ACK; 4.1.5 CANCEL; 4.1.6 OPTIONS; 4.1.7 SUBSCRIBE; 4.1.8 NOTIFY; 4.1.9 PUBLISH; 4.1.10 REFER; 4.1.11 MESSAGE; 4.1.12 INFO; 4.1.13 PRACK; 4.1.14 UPDATE
  • 4.2 URI and URL Schemes Used by SIP 4.2.1 SIP and SIPS URIs; 4.2.2 Telephone URLs; 4.2.3 Presence and Instant Messaging URLs; 4.3 Tags; 4.4 Message Bodies; 4.5 Conclusion; 4.6 Questions; References; 5 SIP Response Messages; 5.1 Informational; 5.1.1 100 Trying; 5.1.2 180 Ringing; 5.1.3 181 Call is Being Forwarded; 5.1.4 182 Call Queued; 5.1.5 183 Session Progress; 5.2 Success; 5.2.1 200 OK; 5.2.2 202 Accepted; 5.2.3 204 No Notification; 5.3 Redirection; 5.3.1 300 Multiple Choices; 5.3.2 301 Moved Permanently; 5.3.3 302 Moved Temporarily; 5.3.4 305 Use Proxy; 5.3.5 380 Alternative Service
  • 5.4 Client Error 5.4.1 400 Bad Request; 5.4.2 401 Unauthorized; 5.4.3 402 Payment Required; 5.4.4 403 Forbidden; 5.4.5 404 Not Found; 5.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed; 5.4.7 406 Not Acceptable; 5.4.8 407 Proxy Authentication Required; 5.4.9 408 Request Timeout; 5.4.10 409 Conflict; 5.4.11 410 Gone; 5.4.12 411 Length Required; 5.4.13 412 Conditional Request Failed; 5.4.14 413 Request Entity Too Large; 5.4.15 414 Request-URI Too Long; 5.4.16 415 Unsupported Media Type; 5.4.17 416 Unsupported URI Scheme; 5.4.18 417 Unknown Resource Priority; 5.4.19 420 Bad Extension; 5.4.20 421 Extension Required