Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A-Z of Plastic Surgery; Preface; Acknowledgements; How to use this book; A: Abbé flap to Axonotmesis; B: Bactigras to Byrd and Spicer classification of fractures; C: Cadaveric skin to Cytokines and growth factors; D: Daniel/Taylor to Dystopia; E: Eagle-Barrett syndrome to Eyelid tumours; F: Face lift to Furlow technique; G: Galeazzi fracture to Gynaecomastia; H: Haber's syndrome to Hypothenar hammer syndrome; I: Iliac crest: free flap to Ito, naevus of; J: Jackson pharyngoplasty to Juvara: Septa of; K: Kanavel's signs to Kutler V-Y flaps; L: Lacrimal duct: trauma to Lymphoedema.