
From human rights to international criminal law : studies in honour of an African jurist, the late Judge Laïty Kama = Des droits de l'homme au droit international pénal : etudes en l'honneur d'un juriste africain, feu le juge Laïty Kama /

Judge Laïty Kama, the first president of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, died 5 years ago. He was a Senegalese Judge, and a Human Rights expert within the United Nations. This collection of essays on international criminal law and human rights is published to honour him. They are si...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leiden ; Boston : M. Nijhoff, ©2007.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preliminary Material / Emmanuel Decaux , Adama Dieng and Malick Sow
  • Avant-propos / Emmanuel Decaux , Adama Dieng and Malick Sow
  • En Mémoire De Laïty Kama / Louis Joinet
  • Hommage À Laïty Kama / Cécile Aptel and Mandiaye Nane Niang
  • Judge Laïty Kama: Five Cases to Develop International Criminal Law / Helen Klann and Phillipa McKenzie
  • State Cooperation and Its Challenges for the International Criminal / Tribunal for Rwanda
  • The Protection of Human Rights of the Accused before the International by Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda / Emmanuel Decaux , Adama Dieng and Malick Sow
  • Vagueness of Indictment: Rules to Safeguard the Rights of the Accused / Helen Klann
  • The Right to Legal Assistance at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: a Review of Its Jurisprudence / Simon M. Meisenberg
  • Concurrent Jurisdiction at the ICTR: Should the Tribunal Refer Cases to Rwanda? / Alhagi Marong , Charles Chernor Jalloh and David Kinnecome
  • The Rwanda Tribunal and Genocide / Lennart Aspegren and Jamie a. Williamson
  • Les Crimes De Guerre Dans La Jurisprudence Du Tribunal Pénal International Pour Le Rwanda: Les Difficultés D'une \'Toute Première Tentative\' / Cyril Laucci
  • La Spécificité Du Crime De Viol / Andrésia Vaz
  • The Prosecutor volume Laurent Semanza, Case No. ICTR-97-20, Judgement, Trial Chamber (15 May 2003). A Commentary / Coline Rapneau
  • Superior or Command Responsibility: a Doubtful Theory of Criminal Responsibility at the Ad Hoc Tribunals / Chile Eboe-Osuji
  • Countdown to 2010: a Critical Overview of the Completion Strategy of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) / Jean-Pelé Fomété
  • Gender and Sexual Violence under the Rome Statute / Fatou Bensouda
  • The Raison D'être of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court / Claude Jorda and Marianne Saracco
  • Challenges of Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes / Hassan B. Jallow
  • The Convergence of the Common Law and Inquisitorial Systems in International Criminal Law / Althea Alexis
  • Prohibition against Subsequent Prosecution: Periscoping the Non Bis in Idem Principle / Segun Jegede
  • La Frontière Entre Droit International Humanitaire Et Droits De L'homme / Flavia Lattanzi
  • Independence and Impartiality of the International Criminal Judiciary / William a. Schabas
  • Revisiting the Abu Graibh Prosecutions from the Perspective of the (ICTY) and the (ICTR) by Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops / Emmanuel Decaux , Adama Dieng and Malick Sow
  • International Law, Mercenary Activities and Conflict Prevention in Africa / Adama Dieng and Chile Eboe-Osuji
  • Les Négociations De Paix En Afrique / Mutoy Mubiala
  • Addressing Impunity: a Challenge to the International Criminal Justice System with a Specific Reference to Africa and the African Human Rights / Bahame Tom Nyanduga
  • Le Protocole À La Charte Africaine Des Droits De Lhomme Et Des Peuples Relatif Aux Droits Des Femmes En Afrique : Une Contribution Spécifique Dun Traité Régional Au Droit International Des Droits De Lhomme / Ângela Melo
  • Law and Time: an Essay / Sergei Alekseevich Egorov
  • Women and Human Rights in the Asia/Pacific Region: a Perspective from South Asia / Khalida Rachid Khan.