
XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics : Lisbon, 28 July - 2 August 2003 /

In 2003 the XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP) was held in Lisbon with more than 500 participants. Twelve plenary talks were given in various fields of Mathematical Physics : E Carlen <On the relation between the Master equation and the Boltzmann Equation in Kinetic Theory&...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: International Congress on Mathematical Physics Lisbon, Portugal
Otros Autores: Zambrini, Jean-Claude
Formato: Electrónico Congresos, conferencias eBook
Publicado: Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, ©2005.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Plenary talks. On the relation between the Master equation and the Boltzmann Equation in kinetic theory / Eric Carlen (Georgia Tech). Symmetries and "simple" solutions of the classical n-body problem / Alain Chenciner (U. Paris 7). Dirac-Fock models for atoms and molecules and related topics / Maria J. Esteban, Eric Sere (U. Paris IX-Dauphine). Locally covariant quantum field theory / Klaus Fredenhagen (ITP, Hamburg). Simple models of turbulent transport / Krzysztof Gawedzki (ENS Lyon). Algebraic versus Liouville integrability of the soliton systems / Igor Krichever (Columbia U.). Mathematical quasicrystals : a tale of two topologies / Robert V. Moody (U. Alberta). Strings through the microscope / Volker Schomerus (SPhT Saclay). Critical percolation and conformal invariance / Stanislav Smirnov (Royal Inst, of Technology, Stockholm). The energy of charged matter / Jan Philip Solovej (Princeton). Entropy production and convergence to equilibrium for the Boltzmann equation / Cedric Villani (ENS Lyon). Aspects of free probability / Dan Voiculescu (U. California at Berkeley)
  • Condensed matter physics. Adiabatic transport, Kubo formula and Anderson localization in some lattice and continuum models / A. Elgart (Courant Institute). Transport in adiabatic quantum pumps / G.M. Graf (ETH Zurich) [and others]. One-dimensional behavior of dilute Bose gases in traps / Robert Seiringer, Elliott H. Lieb (Princeton), Jakob Yngvason (U. Wien). Semiclassical dynamics of an electron moving in a slowly perturbed periodic potential / Stefan Teufel, Gianluca Panati (Tech. U. Munchen)
  • Dynamical systems. Linear quasi-periodic systems
  • reducibility and almost reducibility / L.H. Eliasson (U. Paris 7). On discrete Schrodinger operators with stochastic potentials / W. Schlag (Caltech). Non-zero random Lyapunov exponents versus mean deterministic exponents for a twist like family of diffeomorphisms of the two sphere / Michael Shub (U. Toronto)
  • Equilibrium statistical mechanics. Dimensional reduction for isotropic and directed branched polymers / John Z. Imbrie (U. Virginia). Random path representation and Ornstein-Zernike theory of fluctuations / Dmitry Ioffe (Technion, Haifa). Construction of a 2-d Fermi Liquid / Horst Knorrer (ETH-Zentrum, Zurich), Joel Feldman (U. of British Columbia), Eugene Trubowitz (ETH-Zentrum, Zurich). The restriction property for conformally covariant measures / Gregory F. Lawler (Cornell)
  • Fluid dynamics and nonlinear PDEs. Birkhoff normal form for some quasilinear Hamiltonian PDEs / Dario Bambusi (U. Milano). Coupling stochastic PDEs / Martin Hairer (U. Warwick). Long time behaviour of periodic stochastic flows / V. Kaloshin (Caltech), D. Dolgopyat (Maryland), L. Koralov (Princeton). Local in time and space nonlinear stability of pulses in an unstable medium / Guido Schneider (U. Karlsruhe), Robert L. Pego (Maryland), Hannes Uecker (U. Karlsruhe). Some mathematical problems of statistical hydrodynamics / Armen Shirikyan (U. Paris-Sud XI).
  • General relativity. Formation of singularities in Yang-Mills equations / Piotr Bizon (Jagellonian U., Krakow). A family of quasi-local mass functionals with monotone flows / Hubert L. Bray (Columbia U.). On a wave map equation arising in general relativity / Hans Ringstrom (MPI, Golm)
  • Integrable systems and random matrix theory. Limiting distribution of last passage percolation models / Jinho Baik (U. Michigan). Differential equations and the Bethe ansatz / Patrick Dorey (U. Durham). Correlation functions of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain : recent progress / Jean-Michel Maillet (ENS Lyon). Applications of a complete expansion for the partition function of random matrix theory / Kenneth D.T.-R. Mclaughin (U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Complete solutions to form factor equations of SU(2) invariant Thirring model / Atsushi Nakayashiki (Kyushu U.). The uses of random partitions / Andrei Okounkov (Princeton). Stochastic growth in one dimension and Gaussian multi-matrix models / Herbert Spohn, Patrik L. Ferrari, Michael Prahofer (Tech. U., Munchen)
  • Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Poincare recurrence : old and new / Luis Barreira (IST, Lisbon). Analysis of Lyapunov modes for hard-disk fluids / Christina Forster, Robin Hirschl, Harald A. Posch (U. Vienna). The fractality of the hydrodynamic modes of diffusion / Pierre Gaspard (U. Libre de Bruxelles). On the statistics of free-path lengths for the periodic Lorentz gas / Francois Golse (U. Paris 7). Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of open classical systems / Luc Rey-Bellet (U. Massachusetts)
  • Operator algebras and quantum information. Quantum dynamical entropies and quantum algorithmic complexities / Fabio Benatti (U. Trieste). Modular invariant partition functions in statistical mechanics, conformal field theory and their realisation by subfactors / David E. Evans (U. Wales). Classification of operator algebraic conformal field theories in dimensions one and two / Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (U, Tokyo). An application of the Lieb-Thirring inequality in quantum information theory / Christopher King (Northeastern U., Boston)
  • Path integrals and stochastic analysis. Connes-Hida calculus in index theory / Remi Leandre (U. Nancy I). Wilson loops and spin networks / Thierry Levy (ENS Paris). Some new developments in Feynman path integrals and applications / S. Mazzucchi (U. Trento). Super-diffusion and its collapse in a quenched multi scale passive transport model / Houman Owhadi (Caltech). An analytic approach to Kolmogorov's equations in infinite dimensions and probabilistic consequences / Michael Rockner (U. Bielefeld). A functional integral applied to topology and algebra / Ambar N. Sengupta (Louisiana State U.)
  • Quantum field theory. Conformal field theories in random domains and Stochastic Loewner evolutions / Denis Bernard (SPhT Saclay). Local string field theory / J. Dimock (SUNY at Buffalo). Energy inequalities in quantum field theory / Christopher J. Fewster (U. York). Loop quantum gravity / Thomas Thiemann (Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys. and U. Waterloo)
  • Quantum mechanics and spectral theory. Long-time dynamics and localization lengths for the 3-d Anderson model at weak disorders / Thomas Chen (Courant Institute). Leaky quantum wire and dots : a resonance model / Pavel Exner (Academy of Sciences, Prague), Sylwia Kondej (U. Zielona Gora). Product formula for quantum Zeno dynamics / Takashi Ichinose (Kanazawa U.), Pavel Exner (Academy of Sciences, Prague). The adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics and the Riccati equation / Vadim Kostrykin (Praunhofer Inst, fur Lasertechnik), Konstantin A. Makarov (U. Missouri). Zero energy asymptotics of the resolvent in the long range case / E. Skibsted (U. Aarhus), S. Founais (U. Paris-Sud). Fractional moment methods for Anderson localization in the continuum / Gunter Stolz (U. Alabama at Birmingham) [and others]. A particle in the Bio-Savart-Laplace magnetic field : explicit solutions / D.R. Yafaev (U. Rennes-1). Trotter-Kato product formula : some recent results / V.A. Zagrebnov (U. de la Mediterranee (Aix-Marseille II) and CNRS, Luminy)
  • String and M theory. Localizing gauge theories / Nikita A. Nekrasov (Inst, des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette). Cosmic acceleration and M-theory / Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge).