Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • BASEES/RoutledgeCurzon Series on Russian and East European studies
  • Political Parties in the Russian Regions
  • Contents
  • Preface and acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • 1 Introduction
  • The rationale of the present study
  • The research for the present study
  • The structure of the book
  • 2 Political parties in Russia
  • Federal parties: a historical overview
  • Parties in the study
  • The institutional framework of the Russian party system
  • 3 Politics and parties in the regions
  • The role of parties in regional politics: an overview
  • The political situations in the case study regions
  • Parties in the case study regions
  • 4 Party organizations
  • Party organizations in Russia: the theory
  • Party organizations in Russia: the practice
  • Everyday party life: some case studies
  • 5 The membership
  • Party members in context
  • Joining and being active in the parties of the middle Volga
  • Attitudes of party members
  • 6 Parties and elections in the middle Volga
  • Party organizations in the electoral cycle
  • Campaign strategies
  • Political advertisements
  • 7 Russian party development in perspective
  • Parties and their environment
  • The middle Volga in comparative perspective
  • Broader issues: the present study and future research
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Newspapers and periodicals
  • Interviews
  • All-Russian survey and empirical data (used with permission)
  • Publications and declarations of the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation (CEC) and its regional branches
  • Laws and official documents cited
  • Publications of the State Statistical Committee (Goskomstat)
  • Party literature and documents cited
  • Secondary sources
  • Internet Websites
  • Index.