Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Executive summary
  • 1. Review of energy development. 1.1. Energy consumption. 1.2. Energy production. 1.3. Energy legislation and power industry reform. 1.4. Environmental effects
  • 2. Hot spots. 2.1. Power shortage. 2.2. Rural energy. 2.3. Energy development strategy
  • 3. Energy demand outlook. 3.1. Basic assumptions. 3.2. Final energy demand. 3.3. Primary energy demand
  • 4. Energy supply outlook. 4.1. Coal supply outlook. 4.2. Petroleum supply outlook. 4.3. Natural gas supply outlook. 4.4. Electric power supply outlook. 4.5. Renewable energy supply outlook
  • 5. China and the world energy markets. 5.1. Energy imports. 5.2. Energy exports. 5.3. Impacts on the world energy markets.