
Wheat gluten /

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: International Workshop Gluten Bristol, England
Otros Autores: Shewry, P. R. (Peter R.), Tatham, Arthur S.
Formato: Electrónico Congresos, conferencias eBook
Publicado: Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, ©2000.
Colección:Special publication (Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)) ; no. 261.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The genetics of wheat gluten proteins : an overview
  • Improved quality 1RS wheats via genetics and breeding
  • Characterisation of a LMW-2 type durum wheat cultivar with poor technological properties
  • Effect of the Glu-3 allelic variation on bread wheat gluten strength
  • Relationship between breadmaking quality and seed storage protein composition of Japanese commercial hexaploid wheats (Triticum aestivum L.)
  • Isogenic bread wheat lines differing in number and type of high Mr. glutenin subunits
  • Quantitative analyses of storage proteins of an old Hungarian wheat population using the SE-HPLC method
  • Is the role of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) decisive in determination of baking quality of wheat?
  • Low molecular weight glutenin subunit composition and genetic distances of South African wheat cultivars
  • A new LMW-GS nomenclature for South African wheat cultivars
  • Introduction of the D-genome related high- and low-Mr Glutenin subunits into durum wheat and their effect on technological properties
  • Effects of HMW glutenin subunits on some quality parameter of Portuguese landraces of Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare
  • Genetic analysis of dough strength using doubled haploid lines
  • Relationship between allelic variation of Glu-1, Glu-3 and Gli-1 prolamin loci and baking quality in doubled haploid wheat populations
  • Improvement of wheat processing quality by genetic engineering
  • Expression of HMW glutenin subunits in field grown transgenic wheat
  • Prolamin aggregation and mixing properties of transgenic wheat lines expressing 1Ax and 1Dx HMW glutenin subunit transgenes
  • Modification of storage protein composition in transgenic bread wheat
  • Transformation of commercial wheat varieties with high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes
  • Modification of the LMW glutenin subunit composition of durum wheat by microprojectile-mediated transformation
  • Genetic modification of the trafficking and deposition of seed storage proteins to alter dough functional properties
  • Production of transgenic bread wheat lines over-expressing a LMW glutenin subunit
  • PCR amplification and DNA sequencing of high molecular weight glutenin subunits 43 and 44 from Triticum tauschii accession TA2450
  • Characterizations of low molecular weight glutenin subunit genes in a Japanese soft wheat cultivar, Norin 61
  • Characterization of the LMW-GS gene family in durum wheat
  • Wheat-grain proteomics : the full complement of proteins in developing and mature grain
  • Understanding the structure and properties of gluten : an overview
  • A small scale wheat protein fractionation method using Dumas and Kjeldahl analysis
  • Analysis of gluten proteins in grain and flour blends by RP-HPLC
  • Reliable estimates of gliadin, total and unextractable glutenin polymers and total protein content, from single SE-HPLC analysis of total wheat flour protein extract
  • Use of a one-line fluorescence detection to characterize glutenin fraction in the separation techniques (SE-HPLC and RP-HPLC)
  • Extractability and size distribution studies on wheat proteins using flow-field flow fractionation
  • Durum wheat glutenin polymers : a study based on extractability and SDS-PAGE
  • Reactivity of anti-peptide antibodies with prolamins from different cereals
  • Purification of y-type HMW-GS
  • Biochemical analysis of alcohol soluble polymeric glutenins, D-subunits and Omega gliandins from wheat cv. Chinese spring
  • Isolation and characterization of the HMW glutenin subunits 17 and 18 D glutenin subunits from wheat isogenic line L88-31
  • Verification of the cDNA deduced sequences of glutenin subunits by MALDI-MS
  • Development of a novel cloning strategy to investigate the repetitive domain of HMW glutenin subunits
  • Molecular structures and interactions of repetitive peptides based on HMW subunit 1Dx5
  • Characterisation and chromosomal localisation of C-Type LMW-GS
  • Characterization of a monoclonal antibody that recognises a specific group of LMW subunits of glutenin
  • Temperature induced changes in prolamin conformation
  • Characterisation of [omega]-gliadins from different wheat species
  • Identification of wheat varieties using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight mass spectrometry
  • Quantitative determination and localisation of thiol groups in wheat flour
  • Gluten disulphide reduction using DTT and TCEP
  • Model studies on the reaction parameters governing the formation of disulphide bonds in LMW-type peptides by disulphide isomerase (DSI)
  • Oxidation of high and low molecular weight glutenin subunits isolated from wheat
  • Influence of the redox status of gluten protein SH groups on heat-induced changes in gluten properties
  • Effects of oxidoreductase enzymes on gluten rheology
  • Glutathione : its effect on gluten and flour functionality
  • Redox reactions during dough mixing and dough resting : effect of reduced and oxidised glutathione and L-ascorbic acid on rheological propeties of gluten
  • Redox reactions in dough : effects on molecular weight of glutenin polymers as determined by flow FFF and MALLS
  • Bacterial expression, in vitro polymerisation and polymer tests in a model dough system
  • In vitro polymerisation of sulphite-treated gluten proteins in relation with thiol oxidation
  • Modification of chain termination and chain extension properties by altering the density of cysteine residues in a model molecule : effects on dough quality
  • Effects of two physiological redox systems on wheat proteins
  • Involvement of redox reactions in the functional changes that occur in wheat grain during post-harvest storage.
  • Study of the effect of DATEM
  • Mechanism of the ascorbic acid improver effect on baking
  • Degradation of wheat and rye storage proteins by rye proteolytic enzymes
  • Characterisation and partial purification of a gluten hydrolyzing proteinase from bug (Eurygaster spp.) damaged wheat
  • Effects of transglutaminase enzyme on gluten proteins from sound and bug- (Eurygaster spp.) damaged wheat samples
  • Extracellular fungal proteinases target specific cereal proteins
  • Study of the temperature treatment and lysozyme addition on formation of wheat gluten network : Influence on mechanical properties and protein solubility
  • A rapid spectrophotometric method for measuring insoluble glutenin content of flour and semolina for wheat quality screening
  • Prediction of wheat protein and HMW-glutenin contents by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy
  • Laboratory mill for small-scale testing
  • Scale down possibilities in development of dough testing methods
  • Quality test of wheat using a new small-scale Z-arm mixer
  • Effects of protein quality and protein content on the characteristics of hearth bread
  • Relationships of some functional properties of gluten and baking quality
  • Thermal properties of gluten and gluten fractions of two soft wheat varieties
  • Use of reconstitution techniques to study the functionality of gluten proteins on durum wheat pasta quality
  • Thermal properties and protein aggregation of native and processed wheat gluten and its gliadin and glutenin enriched fractions
  • Wheat gluten film : improvment of mechanical properties by chemical and physical treatments
  • Do high molecular weight subunits of glutenin form "polar zippers"?
  • What can NMR tell you about the molecular origins of gluten viscoelasticity?
  • Back to basics : the basic rheology of gluten
  • Rheology of glutenin polymers from near-isogenic wheat lines
  • Fermentation fundamentals : fundamental rheology of yeasted doughs
  • A fresh look at water : its effect on dough rheology and function
  • Gluten quality vs. quantity : rheology as the arbiter
  • The hysteretic behaviour of wheat-flour dough during mixing
  • Quantity of quality? addressing the protein paradox of flour functionality
  • Effect of protein fractions on gluten rheology
  • Effects of WMW and LMW glutenin subunit genotypes on rheological properties in Japanese soft wheat
  • Mixing of wheat flour dough as a function of the physicochemical properties of the SDS-gel proteins
  • Effect of adding gluten fractions on flour functionality
  • Methods for incorporating added glutenin subunits into the gluten matrix for extension and baking tests
  • Effect of intercultivar variation in proportions of protein fractions from wheat on their mixing behaviour
  • Evidence for varying interaction of gliadin and glutenin proteins as an explanation for differences in dough strength of different wheats
  • Rheological and biochemical approaches describing changes in molecular structure of gluten protein during extrusion
  • Evaluation of wheat protein extractability by rheological measurements
  • The assessment of dough development during mixing using near infrared spectorscopy
  • Measurement of biaxial extensional rheological properties using bubble inflation and the stability of bubble expansion in bread doughs and glutens
  • The effect of dough development method on the molecular size distribution of aggregated glutenin proteins
  • Wheat gluten proteins : how rheological properties change during frozen storage
  • Analysis by dynamic assay and creep and recovery test of glutens from near-isogenic and transgenic lines differing in their high molecular weight glutenin subunit compositions
  • Significance of high and low molecular weight glutenin subunits for dough extensibility
  • Water activity in gluten issues : an insight
  • Analysis of the gluten proteins in developing spring wheat
  • SDS-unextractable glutenin polymer formation in wheat kernels
  • Environmental effects on wheat proteins
  • Effects of genotype, N-fertilisation, and temperature during grain filling on baking quality of hearth bread
  • Interactions between fertilizer, temperature and drought in determining flour composition and quality for bread wheat
  • Influence of environment and protein composition on durum wheat technological quality
  • Interactions of starch with glutens having different glutenin sub-units
  • Influence of wheat polysaccharides on the rheological properties of gluten and doughs
  • Effect of water unextractable solids (WUS) on gluten formation and properties : mechanistic considerations
  • The impact of water-soluble pentosans on dough properties
  • Isolation of a novel, surface active, Mr 50k wheat protein
  • Starch associated proteins and wheat endosperm texture
  • Insect and fungal enzyme inhibitors in study of variability, evolution and resistance of wheat and other Triticeae dum. cereals
  • Production of hexaploid and tetraploid waxy lines
  • Oat globulins in reversed SDS-PAGE
  • Puroindolines : structural relationships with tryptophanins (Aveindolines) from oat (Avena sativa).