Tabla de Contenidos:
  • International criminal justice then and now : the long road from impunity to [some] accountability
  • - Financial realities : targeting only the leaders
  • Do the numbers count? : the ends served by International criminal prosecutions in societies emerging from mass atrocities
  • The plea bargaining of international crimes : the practice of the ICTY, ICTR, special panels for East Timor, and Gacaca Courts
  • Plea bargaining at the ICTR and at the special panels in East Timor
  • Using conventional plea bargaining to increase the number of criminal prosecutions for international crimes
  • Plea bargaining as restorative justice : using guilty pleas to advance both criminal accountability and reconciliation
  • Applying restorative principles in the aftermath of different atrocities : a contextual approach
  • The minimal role of restorative justice in current international criminal prosecutions.