Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Engineering trustworthy computer systems:
  • Introduction / Ana I. Anton and John Dunagan
  • Privacy in a networked world / Rebecca N. Wright
  • Unifying disparate tools in software security / Greg Morrisett
  • Usable security: oxymoron or challenge? / Diana K. Smetters
  • Control of protein conformations:
  • Introduction / Donald J. Leo
  • The evolutionary design of proteins / Rama Ranganathan
  • Lighting up the mechanome / Matthew J. Lang
  • Biotechnology for fuels and chemicals:
  • Introduction / Richard T. Elander and Vijay Singh
  • Corn-based materials / Sanjay V. Malhotra, Vineet Kumar, Anthony East, and Michael Jaffe
  • Process review of lignocellulose biochemical conversion to fuel ethanol / Bruce S. Dien
  • Sustainable biorefineries / Carina Maria Alles and Robin Jenkins
  • Modeling and simulating human behavior:-- Introduction / Christian Lebiere and Robert Wray
  • Computational cognitive neuroscience and its applications / Laurent Itti
  • Barriers, bridges and progress in cognitive modeling for military applications / Kevin A. Gluck
  • Modeling of culturally affected human behavior / Michael van Lent, Mark Core, Steve Solomon, Milton Rosenberg, Ryan McAlinden, and Paul Carpenter
  • Safe water technologies:
  • Introduction / Carol R. Rego and Paul K. Westerhoff
  • Ultraviolet irradiation: an age-old emerging technology for water treatment / Karl G. Linden
  • Membrane processes to address the global challenge of desalination / Amy E. Childress
  • Biological treatments of drinking water / Jess C. Brown
  • Distribution systems: the next frontier / Vanessa L. Speight.