Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. 1. Challenging the value of deliberative democracy. Talking as a decision procedure / Frederick Schauer. Enough of deliberation: politics is about interests and power / Ian Shapiro. Diversity, toleration, and deliberative democracy: religious minorities and public schooling / William A. Galston. Three limitations of deliberative democracy: identity politics, bad faith, and indeterminacy / William H. Simon. Deliberation, and what else? / Michael Walzer. Democratic deliberation: the problem of implementation / Daniel A. Bell. Mutual respect as a device of exclusion / Stanley Fish. Deliberation: method, not theory / Russell Hardin
  • pt. 2. Expanding the limits of deliberative democracy. Agreement without theory / Cass R. Sunstein. Justice, inclusion, and deliberative democracy / Iris Marion Young. Constitutionalism and deliberative democracy / Jack Knight. Internal disagreements: deliberation and abortion / Alan Wertheimer. Law, democracy, and moral disagreement: reciprocity, slavery, and abortion / Robert P. George. Enabling democratic deliberation: how managed care organizations ought to make decisions about coverage for new technologies / Norman Daniels. Everyday talk in the deliberative system / Jane Mansbridge
  • pt. 3. Reply to the critics. Democratic disagreement / Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson.