Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. New political economy. 1. Two themes, three disciplines and five perspectives. 2. From modernism to neo-modern political economy. 3. Organisation theory: design rules. 4. Structuration, domain theory and the realist turn. 5. Organisation economics and economic sociology
  • pt. II. Competition between contexts. 6. Long-term political economy: hegemony, dependence and markets. 7. National innovation-design systems. 8. Nations: structural and institutional variations. 9. American exceptionalism. 10. Sectoral clusters and competition between contexts
  • pt. III. Firms: capabilities and transformative potential. 11. Resource-based strategic analysis. 12. Contingent recurrent action patterns and repertoires. 13. Knowledges: contested, distributed and explacit. 14. Morphogenesis/stasis
  • pt. IV. Zones of manoeuvre. 15. Organisational management and zones of manoeuvre.