Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Before the car
  • Producing a landscape of signs
  • A nation on wheels
  • The culture of mobility
  • Producing mobile audiences and corridors of consumption
  • The aesthetics of speed and the powers of "picturization"
  • Modern art and advertising
  • Distributing traffic and trade: decentralization and the birth of the strip
  • Visualizing distribution
  • The consolidation and growth of national advertising
  • Traffic and trade: "buying power in motion"
  • An architecture of mobility
  • The strip
  • "The billboard war": scenic sisters and the business of highway beautification
  • "The billboard war"
  • When separate spheres collide
  • The pastoral view
  • "Billboard barons"
  • Zoning and the road to federal legislation
  • Losers and winners
  • Conclusion: the road ahead.